Dear all,
I have a panel of monthly stock market return (by firm and month) from the year 1953 to 2016.
I sorted the data into Quintiles according to the variable called ST each month. (high ST = 5 to low ST = 1)
Then, I calculated each month the equal weighted average of returns by Quintiles in order to have the monthly portfolio returns for each quintile each month.
Now, I calculated the time-series average of the quintile porfoltio returns for each Quintile:
Finally, I want to calculate the difference between the top quintile portfolio (ST == 5) and the bottom quintile portfolio (ST == 1) each month and than take the time-series-average over all months:
I therefore use the following:
Note: I use - newey2 - in order to estimate the mean with Newey West Adjusted Standard Errors.
Now my confusion(s):
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
I have a panel of monthly stock market return (by firm and month) from the year 1953 to 2016.
I sorted the data into Quintiles according to the variable called ST each month. (high ST = 5 to low ST = 1)
Then, I calculated each month the equal weighted average of returns by Quintiles in order to have the monthly portfolio returns for each quintile each month.
bys quintiles month: egen portfolioST = mean(return)
tabstat portfolioST, by(quintiles) s(mean)
I therefore use the following:
bys month: egen STq5 = mean(cond(quintiles == 5, ret, .) ) bys month: egen STq1 = mean(cond(quintiles == 1, ret, .)) gen STqdiff = STq5 - STq1 newey2 STqdiff, lag(12) force
Now my confusion(s):
- When I calculate - mean(STq5) - I get a (slightly) different result than what I receive using - tabstat .
I get the same results as with - tabstat - calculating for instance :
Code:bys month : egen quintile1 = mean(retahead) if quintiles == 1 mean(quintile1)
- Is there any other way to calculate the top-bottom quintile difference with Newey West Adjusted Standard Errors?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!