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  • Interpretation of analysis after ivprobit

    Hi, I've done an instrumental variable analysis by using the syntax "ivprobit", which represents that the outcome variable is a binary outcome(yes=1, no=0).
    In addition to the main analysis, I also report the result of first stage regression.
    Here's the result:

     ivprobit Heart_disease Height (Weight=rs578776_genotype), twostep first
    Checking reduced-form model...
    first-stage regression
          Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     3,509
    -------------+----------------------------------   F(2, 3506)      =   1071.14
           Model |  213791.893         2  106895.947   Prob > F        =    0.0000
        Residual |  349887.519     3,506  99.7967823   R-squared       =    0.3793
    -------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.3789
           Total |  563679.412     3,508  160.683983   Root MSE        =    9.9898
               Weight |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    rs578776_genotype |   .3987121   .2926412     1.36   0.173    -.1750522    .9724765
               Height |   .9997172   .0216051    46.27   0.000     .9573573    1.042077
                _cons |  -99.16142   3.661257   -27.08   0.000    -106.3398   -91.98301
    Two-step probit with endogenous regressors        Number of obs   =      3,509
                                                      Wald chi2(2)    =       2.84
                                                      Prob > chi2     =     0.2414
                 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
          Weight |   .2141107   .2000621     1.07   0.285    -.1780039    .6062253
          Height |  -.2218302   .2000962    -1.11   0.268    -.6140115    .1703511
           _cons |   20.92252   19.74899     1.06   0.289    -17.78478    59.62983
    Instrumented:  Weight
    Instruments:   Height rs578776_genotype
    Wald test of exogeneity: chi2(1) = 2.03                   Prob > chi2 = 0.1538

    According to the result above, I have 2 questions:
    (1) Based on the Rule of Thumb by Staiger and Stock(1997), the F-statistics must >10, in order not to be a weak instrument in the analysis. Does the "F-statistics 1071.14" represent the instrumental variable I choose in the analysis a "good instrument" ?
    (2) Does the "R-squared 0.3793" represent the explanatory power of the instrumental variable to the endogenous variable?

    Thank you in advance!!!

  • #2
    Hi Grace,
    As far as i know, the "F-stat" you should be referring would be the F of the instrument only. Since you have only one instrument, your "F" is 1.07^2=1.1449, which is simply too low, indicating your Instrument is a very weak instrument.


    • #3
      So under this circumstance, the F-statistics should obtained by the square of Z-statistics?!
      Rather than the F-statistics showed above?

      Because when doing an "ivregress" procedure, which means the dependent variable is continuous, the first stage regression result will show F-statistics and R-square, adjusted R-square, and also partial R-square, just that the example I post below:

       ivregress 2sls Height (Weight=BMI), first
      First-stage regressions
                                                      Number of obs     =      4,217
                                                      F(   1,   4215)   =    1640.74
                                                      Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                      R-squared         =     0.2802
                                                      Adj R-squared     =     0.2800
                                                      Root MSE          =    16.1861
            Weight |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
               BMI |   2.829184   .0698459    40.51   0.000      2.69225    2.966119
             _cons |   .6094178   1.730501     0.35   0.725    -2.783277    4.002112
      Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression          Number of obs   =      4,217
                                                        Wald chi2(1)    =       2.33
                                                        Prob > chi2     =     0.1270
                                                        R-squared       =     0.0709
                                                        Root MSE        =     14.348
            Height |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
            Weight |   .0333926   .0218834     1.53   0.127    -.0094982    .0762833
             _cons |   166.1845   1.547135   107.41   0.000     163.1522    169.2169
      Instrumented:  Weight
      Instruments:   BMI
      . estat first
        First-stage regression summary statistics
                     |            Adjusted      Partial
            Variable |   R-sq.       R-sq.        R-sq.     F(1,4215)   Prob > F
              Weight |  0.2802      0.2800       0.2802       1640.74    0.0000
        Minimum eigenvalue statistic = 1640.74    
        Critical Values                      # of endogenous regressors:    1
        Ho: Instruments are weak             # of excluded instruments:     1
                                           |    5%     10%     20%     30%
        2SLS relative bias                 |         (not available)
                                           |   10%     15%     20%     25%
        2SLS Size of nominal 5% Wald test  |  16.38    8.96    6.66    5.53
        LIML Size of nominal 5% Wald test  |  16.38    8.96    6.66    5.53
      As the result showed, whenever I type "first" after ivregress syntax, or when I type "estat first" after the main analysis, the F-statistics has consistent result, and F-statistics doesn't need to obtain by the square of Z-statistics...

      That's what I know, but however, ivgress and ivprobit have different way to interpret the result

      Hope there's somebody can help me lol


      • #4

        I have a question about the Wald test.

        We get the statistics for Wald test in three ways in stata.

        1. with iv probit, first and two steps that is the Wald test of exogeneity
        2. with ivreg2 that is Anderson-Rubin Wald-test
        3. weakiv command that is Wald test

        My question is, are all of these the same and tell us about the exogeneity of instruments? means the p value should be less than 0.05 so accept the null hypothesis, indicating that the instruments are exogenous.

        or the wald test after the ivprobit gives the different interpretation and tells about the regressors endogeneity and if the null hypothesis is rejected it supports the ivprobit in comparison to simple linear regressions.

        Any help is highly appreciated

        Kind regards,

