Hi all,
I am having a problem getting the command "estat lcmean" to work for a latent class model. I can get it to work for a very simple model, but for the somewhat more complex one I am trying to produce I simply get spinning....spinning. I have left this working for several hours with no output. (Note: there are some comments [but as yet no answer that I see] regarding an error that some users are getting. I have not gotten an error. Just...nothing. No output. It goes until I hit break.) The estat lcgof command works fine, as does estat lcprob (slow, minutes not hours).
Specifics: The model is a bit complex but not ridiculously so: 1555 cases, 21 binary variables. Code is below. I am running STATA/IC 15.1 on a Mac (actually two: have tried both desktop and laptop). I could not get this to work at all but for the nonrtolerance option I found in a separate topic. Not sure why that would be an issue here though.
[/CODE]gsem (v41safetymuslims v41moralsmuslims v41intolermuslims v41politicsmuslims v41commmuslims v41jobsmuslims v41welfaremuslims \\\
v41safetyjews v41moralsjews v41intolerjews v41politicsjews v41commjews v41jobsjews v41welfarejews \\\
v41safetyafams v41moralsafams v41intolerafams v41politicsafams v41commafams v41jobsafams v41welfareafams <- _cons) \\\
[pweight=weight1] if zWhiteR==1, logit startvalues(randomid, draws(8) seed(193693)) em(iter(5)) lclass(A 5) nodvheader nonrtolerance
Thanks for any help/advice!
I am having a problem getting the command "estat lcmean" to work for a latent class model. I can get it to work for a very simple model, but for the somewhat more complex one I am trying to produce I simply get spinning....spinning. I have left this working for several hours with no output. (Note: there are some comments [but as yet no answer that I see] regarding an error that some users are getting. I have not gotten an error. Just...nothing. No output. It goes until I hit break.) The estat lcgof command works fine, as does estat lcprob (slow, minutes not hours).
Specifics: The model is a bit complex but not ridiculously so: 1555 cases, 21 binary variables. Code is below. I am running STATA/IC 15.1 on a Mac (actually two: have tried both desktop and laptop). I could not get this to work at all but for the nonrtolerance option I found in a separate topic. Not sure why that would be an issue here though.
[/CODE]gsem (v41safetymuslims v41moralsmuslims v41intolermuslims v41politicsmuslims v41commmuslims v41jobsmuslims v41welfaremuslims \\\
v41safetyjews v41moralsjews v41intolerjews v41politicsjews v41commjews v41jobsjews v41welfarejews \\\
v41safetyafams v41moralsafams v41intolerafams v41politicsafams v41commafams v41jobsafams v41welfareafams <- _cons) \\\
[pweight=weight1] if zWhiteR==1, logit startvalues(randomid, draws(8) seed(193693)) em(iter(5)) lclass(A 5) nodvheader nonrtolerance
Thanks for any help/advice!