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  • #16
    Thank you so much!

    I have many Excel files named TRD_Dalyr; TRD_Dalyr1; TRD_Dalyr2···etc, all of them contain same columns(Code, Date & Return). I want to merge them into one. Any suggestion would be much appreciated. Thanks!



    • #17
      One additional point, though it doesn't keep your code from producing useful results:

      You initially declare -tempfile building-. But thereafter, you never use it. Instead you -save building- and -append using building-. But without the surrounding left and right quotation marks, you are not referring to that tempfile: you are instead saving and appending an ordinary file named building.dta.

      This probably doesn't matter for your purposes: the only difference is that building.dta will be around when your do file finishes, whereas had you put the data in `building', it would be gone. (So, actually, you are probably better off for having made this "mistake.")


      • #18
        Originally posted by Clyde Schechter View Post
        If you only have one level of subdirectories, it's not too hard.

        tempfile building
        save `building', emptyok
        local directories: dir "." dirs. "*" // Macro with name of all subdirectories
        local directories "." `directories' // Stick the current directory in front
        foreach d of local directories {
        local files: dir "`d'" files "*.xlsx"
        foreach f of local files {
        import excel using "`d'/`f'", clear // Note use of /, not \ as separator.
        gen source = "`d'/`f'"
        append using `building'
        save `building', replace
        should do the trick. Again, you may need to specify some other options in the -import excel- statement. And use /, not \ as your filename separator, even if you are running in Windows. The backslash sometimes does funny things to the character that follows it, and Stata understands / as a path separator in all OSs.

        If you have multiple levels of nesting, it gets more complicated. You could write a program that calls itself recursively to do this--but I suspect from your request that that would be more trouble than it's worth to you. Also, I think there is a user-written program out there somewhere that will build a list of files meeting a certain description in a directory and all embedded subdirectories--but I can't remember what it's called. Maybe somebody else on the forum remembers.

        Hope this helps.

        Hi Clyde,

        I am currently in a situation where I am combining a large number of excel files saved in different folders and I want to "combine" or append them into one master file. I tried using your program above, however I got an invalid syntax message running this line:

        local directories: dir "." dirs. "*" // Macro with name of all subdirectories

        Just wondering what could possibly be wrong.



        • #19
          There shouldn't be a dot after "dirs": just take that out and it'll be fine.


          • #20

            The approach I've used everyday:
            (Add another loop if there are sub-folders.)
            Advise: Do not save and replace ordinary file in the loop, it might break your disk.
            (If you deal with a large number of files like me.)
            Use temporary file instead.
            Noted: You can only read in limited number of file name in "local". Divide them.

            local myfiles : dir "[path]" files "*.[filetype]"
            local q=1
            foreach f of local myfiles{
            drop _all
            [import file] using `f', clear
            gen file=`"`f'"'
            tempfile mybig`q'
            save "`mybig`q''"
            display `"`q'"'
            local q=`q'+1

            local obs=`q'-1
            use "`mybig1'", clear
            forvalues i=2/`obs' {
            append using "`mybig`i''"
            save mybig, replace
            Last edited by Jimmy Yang; 12 May 2015, 05:25.


            • #21
              Hi Clyde,I tried to generate a list of directories - list `directories' or display `directories' it comes out empty. Isn't it supposed to show or display the directories?

              For example:

              cd "c:\OfficeData"
              tempfile building
              save `building', emptyok
              local directories: dir "." dirs "*" // Macro with name of all subdirectories
              local directories "." `directories' // Stick the current directory in front

              list `directories'


              • #22
                Re #21: The "directories" macro may be empty if there are no subdirectories in your current directory.

                Nonetheless, I am a bit puzzled too. Thinking about the OP's question, I looked at help extended_fn and specifically the section which states
                 local list : dir . files "*" makes a list of all regular files in
                            the current directory.  In list might be returned "subjects.dta"
                            "" "" "reest.ado".
                Now, look at the results of the following:

                . dir u*
                6137.0k   1/25/05 10:04    
                5410.9k   1/25/05 10:04    
                5354.4k  12/20/04 11:08  usmap.dta        
                1900.5k  12/23/04 10:32        
                   0.8k  12/23/04 10:32        
                1900.5k  12/23/04 10:32  
                . local list : dir . files "u*"
                . di "`list'"
      " "" "usmap.dta" "" "" """ invalid name
                Why the error message? ("Invalid syntax" of some kind.)


                • #23
                  Stephen, the files are returned enclosed in double quotes. When your list macro is expanded, the first two characters are 2 double quotes and then Stata complains that" ... is not a valid name of something to display. Try instead

                  dis `"`list'"'


                  • #24
                    That's it! [I should have thought of that.] Thanks, Robert


                    • #25
                      Good on you Stephen! I am not sure what's the bug in Clyde's codes, if I can only make this run. What I am trying to do is loop through 50 folders (US states) that has Excel files in it corresponding to MSAs in each state and i have to combine them into one file...


                      • #26
                        Maris: I am not especially clear what you are trying to do but the purpose of list is to list data, not to display filenames.

                        Clyde didn't, and wouldn't, recommend it for that purpose so the reference to "the bug in Clyde's codes" is puzzling.

                        Otherwise your assignments to local macros look sound and display or macro list can be used to inspect their contents.


                        • #27
                          Finally it worked! I changed "directories" into "dirlist" and it did the trick! Somehow Stata did not like directories to be a name for a macro!


                          • #28
                            There is absolutely no syntactic reason not to use the name directories for a macro.


                            • #29
                              Hello everyone,
                              I very much appreciate the hints and suggestions about merging excel data files from the same directory/sub-directory. They are indeed extremely useful.I was wondering how these suggestions could be extrapolated for the case of merging multiple worksheets within the same workbook.
                              Thank you.


                              • #30
                                Hi Nick, thank you for your comments. I just got the chance to re-run Clyde's codes using the macro name directories and it worked. My apologies for the confusion, I was always getting an invalid syntax message before and tried several things. Anyways, here is the set of codes that I am using and runs perfectly well for my purpose:

                                tempfile usdata
                                save `usdata', emptyok
                                local dirlist: dir . dirs "*" // Macro with name of all subdirectories
                                local dirlist . `dirlist' // Stick the current directory in front

                                foreach d of local dirlist {
                                local files: dir "`d'" files "*.xls"
                                foreach f of local files {
                                import excel using "`d'/`f'",sheet("Industries") firstrow clear // Note use of /, not \ as separator.
                                gen source = "`d'/`f'"
                                append using `usdata', force
                                save `usdata', replace

                                Last edited by Maris Isidro; 14 May 2015, 03:29.

