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  • #16
    Originally posted by Marcos Almeida View Post
    I gather the issue is mostly related to products that promise to "create graphs automatically", without much reflection.

    Personally, I find pleasure and purpose when customizing the graphs I wish to produce in Stata.

    When comparing to R, as underlined in #1, it is quite a ladder to climb, for IMHO the commands (related to many packages) are somewhat cumbersome, at least for beginners.

    In the example below, the Stata command is just one - short - line, preceded by a "prep" command:

    sysuse bplong.dta
    collapse (mean) bp=bp (sd) sd=bp , by(agegrp)
    serrbar bp sd agegrp, xlabel(1 2 3) ytitle(Mean blood pressure (plus SD))
    Hello Statalist,
    This is my first posting but I have found other threads to be very useful.
    I'm using Stata16 and would like to create a simple graph with means and standard deviation bars as you do in this example.
    But I would like to include several variables on one chart and my data are weighted.
    If someone could please help me with the code, that would be terrific.

