I am working with a panel data with two periods (dummy variable time, which is equal to 1 after the intervention) and two groups (dummy variable treatment, which is equal to 1 for the group that received the intervention). To estimate the effect of the treatment overall, I ran a DID regression:
I would like to estimate the heterogenous treatment effect, between men and women for example. I was wondering which method would be econometrically valid. Should I run a Difference-in-difference-in-difference:
or first run the regression for female respondents, then again for male respondents
Thank you
I am working with a panel data with two periods (dummy variable time, which is equal to 1 after the intervention) and two groups (dummy variable treatment, which is equal to 1 for the group that received the intervention). To estimate the effect of the treatment overall, I ran a DID regression:
regress `outcomevar' i.time##i.treatment covariates
regress `outcomevar' i.time##i.treatment##i.gender covariates
regress `outcomevar' i.time##i.treatment covariates if gender==1 regress `outcomevar' i.time##i.treatment covariates if gender==0