I am having an unbalanced panel data set with about 300 firms over 35 years.
I am running fixed effect models to check for differences in my DVs between certain time-periods for which I included dummies.
So far I have used the following general command:
which does not show the hypothesized results.
If I run the model without using robust standard errors, some results turn significant.
Therefore, I was wondering whether I actually have to use robust standard errors.
So what are pros and cons of robust standard errors in fixed effect models and how can I find out whether I need to use them?
I am having an unbalanced panel data set with about 300 firms over 35 years.
I am running fixed effect models to check for differences in my DVs between certain time-periods for which I included dummies.
So far I have used the following general command:
xtreg DV TimeDummyBefore TimeDummyAfter i.Year, fe cluster(ID) |
If I run the model without using robust standard errors, some results turn significant.
Therefore, I was wondering whether I actually have to use robust standard errors.
So what are pros and cons of robust standard errors in fixed effect models and how can I find out whether I need to use them?