Dear Stata Users,
I would like to ask you some minor points on a graph.
I created the attached graph with the following code:
This is almost what I need, except for two things:
A) I do not succeed in showing the whole name of labels, even if I make them smaller in two cases the last part of the last work does not appear (the 2 should be "industria, estrazione, manifattura" and the 8 "istruzione, sanità, servizi sociali).
B) I do not succed in leaving the grid in the background
Do you have any clue?
Thanks a lot, G. Graph22.tif
I would like to ask you some minor points on a graph.
I created the attached graph with the following code:
lab var sett "sett" lab def sett 1"agricoltura, caccia e pesca" /// 2"industria, estrazione, manifatture" /// 3"costruzioni" /// 4"commercio, alberghi, ristoranti" /// 5"trasporti, comunicazioni" /// 6"intermediazioni e altre attività" /// 7"P.A. e difesa" /// 8"istruzione, sanità, servizi sociali" /// 9"altri servizi", modify lab val sett sett graph hbar v1 v3, over(sett) stack /// legend(order(1 "Donne" 2 "Uomini")) /// ytitle("") /// note("", span) /// scheme(s1mono) /// per
A) I do not succeed in showing the whole name of labels, even if I make them smaller in two cases the last part of the last work does not appear (the 2 should be "industria, estrazione, manifattura" and the 8 "istruzione, sanità, servizi sociali).
B) I do not succed in leaving the grid in the background
Do you have any clue?
Thanks a lot, G. Graph22.tif