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  • Conducting and Presenting Concordance Correlation Coefficient Analysis

    I have a several sets of paired measurements that I wish to assess for agreement.
    I was wondering if it is advisable to test for normality of the error prior to analysing using the concord function.
    I understand that normality is not an assumption for this test but it may affect results. I have posted a histogram of the errors below.

    Also with presenting this data I intend on presenting ρc, as well as the 95%CI of the correlation.
    Elsewhere I have seen location shift presented alongside these results. Would you advise presenting these data as well?
    Any advice would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
    I'd solve this issue by ignoring it completely and bootstrapping concordance correlations. Naturally you should present location shift too. If that's meaningless, concordance correlation makes little or no sense.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply Nick.
      Bootstrapping is a little beyond my skill set.
      Here is a sample of my paired data from a population of 228 pairs.
      I'd like to use the concord to measure their level of agreement. If I don't know how to bootstrap can you suggest any other ways of achieving this?
      Thanks again.

      site_ predictedcol
      4.93 6.290981
      6.03 6.944743
      4.88 6.33551
      6.54 7.202926
      6.05 6.617754
      4.92 6.303995
      8.27 7.772792
      7.14 7.792072
      8.04 7.282252
      7.42 8.384775
      7.85 7.420662
      8.91 8.368908
      5.66 9.160925
      4.81 7.950098
      4.46 8.815401
      4.94 7.891434
      4.95 8.30157
      4.98 7.822245
      7.22 11.33773
      10.16 12.58638
      8.83 11.91866
      9.36 12.31347
      7.09 11.17154
      6.87 11.38873
      11.3 9.911688
      11.83 10.48137
      11.24 9.863089
      11.15 9.958758
      13.83 11.19683
      12.66 10.89975


      • #4
        If you don't know how to bootstrap, you find out. My reading is that the concord confidence intervals if anything are too cautious. Also, for this moderate degree of agreement, the correlation has a close to Gaussian sampling distribution. The bigger deal is whether the clusters in the raw data tell you anything.

        * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
        input double(site_ predictedcol)
         4.93 6.290981
         6.03 6.944743
         4.88  6.33551
         6.54 7.202926
         6.05 6.617754
         4.92 6.303995
         8.27 7.772792
         7.14 7.792072
         8.04 7.282252
         7.42 8.384775
         7.85 7.420662
         8.91 8.368908
         5.66 9.160925
         4.81 7.950098
         4.46 8.815401
         4.94 7.891434
         4.95  8.30157
         4.98 7.822245
         7.22 11.33773
        10.16 12.58638
         8.83 11.91866
         9.36 12.31347
         7.09 11.17154
         6.87 11.38873
         11.3 9.911688
        11.83 10.48137
        11.24 9.863089
        11.15 9.958758
        13.83 11.19683
        12.66 10.89975
        concord site_ predictedcol
        Concordance correlation coefficient (Lin, 1989, 2000):
         rho_c   SE(rho_c)   Obs    [   95% CI   ]     P        CI type
         0.518     0.114      30     0.294  0.742    0.000   asymptotic
                                     0.262  0.706    0.000  z-transform
        Pearson's r =  0.624  Pr(r = 0) = 0.000  C_b = rho_c/r =  0.830
        Reduced major axis:   Slope =     1.371   Intercept =    -4.579
        Difference = site_ - predictedcol
                Difference                 95% Limits Of Agreement
           Average     Std Dev.             (Bland & Altman, 1986)
            -1.246       2.101                 -5.363      2.872
        Correlation between difference and mean = 0.380
        Bradley-Blackwood F = 8.310 (P = 0.00147)
        . set seed 2803
        . bootstrap rho_c=r(rho_c), reps(10000) nodots saving(rho_c)  : concord site_ predictedcol
        (running concord on estimation sample)
        Bootstrap results                               Number of obs     =         30
                                                        Replications      =     10,000
              command:  concord site_ predictedcol
                rho_c:  r(rho_c)
                     |   Observed   Bootstrap                         Normal-based
                     |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
               rho_c |   .5182414   .0836768     6.19   0.000     .3542379     .682245
        . estat bootstrap, all
        Bootstrap results                               Number of obs     =         30
                                                        Replications      =      10000
              command:  concord site_ predictedcol
                rho_c:  r(rho_c)
                     |    Observed               Bootstrap
                     |       Coef.       Bias    Std. Err.  [95% Conf. Interval]
               rho_c |   .51824145  -.0097181    .0836768    .3542379    .682245   (N)
                     |                                       .3405313   .6660519   (P)
                     |                                       .3562137   .6778926  (BC)
        (N)    normal confidence interval
        (P)    percentile confidence interval
        (BC)   bias-corrected confidence interval
        . use rho_c
        (bootstrap: concord)
        . qnorm rho_c, scheme(s1color) ytitle(concordance correlation)

        Click image for larger version

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        • #5
          Wow that was great.
          Thanks so much Nick!

