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  • 95%CI after roctab

    Dear all
    Is it possible to compute the confidence interval (CI) of the sensitivity and specificity of each Cutpoint after running the roctab command?
    I am using the following command:
    roctab disease rating, detail graph summary
    But ir only give-me the 95%CI for the AUC.
    Thank you

  • #2
    Maybe you could bootstrap it.
    version 15.0
    clear *
    set seed `=strreverse("1415835")'
    program define cutci
        version 15.0
        syntax [if], [Cutoff(real 0.5)]
        logit foreign gear `if'
        estat classification, cutoff(`cutoff')
    sysuse auto
    logit foreign gear, nolog
    predict double pr, pr
    quietly levelsof pr, local(prs)
    foreach pr of local prs {
        bootstrap sen = r(P_p1) spe = r(P_n0), reps(40): cutci , c(`pr')
    Caveat emptor.

    What are you going to do with these?


    • #3
      Hello Thiago. This is not completely automated, but depending on exactly what you want, it might serve your purpose.

      webuse hanley
      roctab disease rating, detail graph summary
      generate byte nodisease = !disease
      generate byte tpos = .
      generate byte tneg = .
      forvalues i = 1(1)6 {
      quietly replace tpos = rating >= `i'
      quietly replace tneg = !tpos
      quietly ci proportion tpos if disease, wilson   // Wilson-score CI for sensitivity
      display "Cut-point:  " `i'
      display "  Sens, 95% CI:  " r(proportion) ", " r(lb) " to " r(ub)
      quietly ci proportion tneg if nodisease, wilson // Wilson-score CI for specificity
      display "  Spec, 95% CI:  " r(proportion) ", " r(lb) " to " r(ub)
      Selected bits of the output:
      . roctab disease rating, detail graph summary
      Detailed report of sensitivity and specificity
      Cutpoint      Sensitivity   Specificity   Classified          LR+          LR-
      ( >= 1 )          100.00%         0.00%       46.79%       1.0000     
      ( >= 2 )           94.12%        56.90%       74.31%       2.1835       0.1034
      ( >= 3 )           90.20%        67.24%       77.98%       2.7534       0.1458
      ( >= 4 )           86.27%        77.59%       81.65%       3.8492       0.1769
      ( >= 5 )           64.71%        96.55%       81.65%      18.7647       0.3655
      ( >  5 )            0.00%       100.00%       53.21%                    1.0000
                            ROC                    -Asymptotic Normal--
                 Obs       Area     Std. Err.      [95% Conf. Interval]
                 109     0.8932       0.0307        0.83295     0.95339
      Cut-point:  1
        Sens, 95% CI:  1, .92995338 to 1
        Spec, 95% CI:  0, 0 to .06211786
      Cut-point:  2
        Sens, 95% CI:  .94117647, .84075374 to .97979336
        Spec, 95% CI:  .56896552, .44118105 to .68818201
      Cut-point:  3
        Sens, 95% CI:  .90196078, .79021765 to .95739193
        Spec, 95% CI:  .67241379, .54424055 to .77916709
      Cut-point:  4
        Sens, 95% CI:  .8627451, .74278308 to .93188898
        Spec, 95% CI:  .77586207, .65338882 to .86406339
      Cut-point:  5
        Sens, 95% CI:  .64705882, .50986058 to .76365512
        Spec, 95% CI:  .96551724, .88270855 to .99049207
      Cut-point:  6
        Sens, 95% CI:  0, 0 to .07004662
        Spec, 95% CI:  1, .93788214 to 1
      Bruce Weaver
      Email: [email protected]
      Version: Stata/MP 18.5 (Windows)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Joseph Coveney View Post
        Maybe you could bootstrap it.
        version 15.0
        clear *
        set seed `=strreverse("1415835")'
        program define cutci
        version 15.0
        syntax [if], [Cutoff(real 0.5)]
        logit foreign gear `if'
        estat classification, cutoff(`cutoff')
        sysuse auto
        logit foreign gear, nolog
        predict double pr, pr
        quietly levelsof pr, local(prs)
        foreach pr of local prs {
        bootstrap sen = r(P_p1) spe = r(P_n0), reps(40): cutci , c(`pr')
        Caveat emptor.

        What are you going to do with these?
        Joseph Coveney Do you have any suggestions on how to bootstrap cutoff points? Assuming the model adjusts for another factor and you want to bootstrap the cutpoint of gear.

        I found that Phil Claytons -cutpt- ado does bootstrap but doesn't allow for adjusting another variable


        • #5
          I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean bootstrapping what are called optimum cutoffs?


          • #6
            Yes bootstrapping the optimum cut-off point i.e the cut-off point that maximizes sensitivity and specificity (Youden's index)


            • #7
              There have been numerous threads on the list over the years about so-called optimum cutoff points along the receiver operating characteristic curve—for example, this one—that you might want to seek out and peruse before you get too deeply involved in this exercise.

              You can use cutpt on predictions from a logistic regression model that has made adjustments for a covariate.
              Last edited by Joseph Coveney; 24 Jul 2020, 09:22.


              • #8
                To add my opinion, you may want to rethink Youden's J as an index of "optimal". What you are doing will maximize the sum of sensitivity and specificity, which means, you may end up with one of them being very high and the other very low, which may be suboptimal for your purposes. This is often used when the costs of false negatives and false positives are the same, but this assumption is hardly ever justifiable in medical research, if it is ever examined at all. An alternative is to use Liu's cutpoint (also estimated by -cutpt-), which maximizes over the product of the sensitivity and specificity, ensuring that both parameters are at least not too small.


                • #9
                  Thanks, Joseph and Leonard for your inputs

                  Joseph using the cutpt on predictions from a logistic regression model gives the prediction cut-off point and not the cut-off point of the actual variable of interest. That has been my concern


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Madu Abuchi View Post
                    cutpt on predictions from a logistic regression model gives the prediction cut-off point and not the cut-off point of the actual variable of interest.
                    Once you adjust for another variable, you no longer have an ROC curve of the actual variable of interest.

