Thank you for all your kind advice and patience.
I have made some progress.
Now I just have to
1. include in the graph all the items
2. change the legends ("mean of Not_applicable_to_my_activity" by "Not applicable to my activity" and "mean of Other" by "Other")
3. place the percentages only on the blue line (not on the grid line)
graph hbar Not_applicable_to_my_activity Other , over ( nom , sort( ccode )) ///
bar(1, bcolor(blue*0.6)) bar(2, bcolor(grey*0.4)) ///
title("Descriptive analysis of all respondents by profession for the option, 'not applicable to my activity' ")percent ///
ytitle("Percent of Respondents") blabel(bar, format(%4.1f))
Thank you for your help
Thank you for all your kind advice and patience.
I have made some progress.
Now I just have to
1. include in the graph all the items
2. change the legends ("mean of Not_applicable_to_my_activity" by "Not applicable to my activity" and "mean of Other" by "Other")
3. place the percentages only on the blue line (not on the grid line)
graph hbar Not_applicable_to_my_activity Other , over ( nom , sort( ccode )) ///
bar(1, bcolor(blue*0.6)) bar(2, bcolor(grey*0.4)) ///
title("Descriptive analysis of all respondents by profession for the option, 'not applicable to my activity' ")percent ///
ytitle("Percent of Respondents") blabel(bar, format(%4.1f))
Thank you for your help