Dear Statalist members,
I am not entirely sure of how to interpret the coefficients (especially of the interaction term) from the ordinal logistic regression that I ran.
In my trials, farmers have rated 5 different maize varieties on different characteristics. The varieties were both grown on-farm and on-station. I would like to analyse the ratings and differentiate between on-station and on-farm.
In order to test the significance of on-station vs. on-farm on the evaluation of the 5 maize varieties, I included a fixed main effect (Variable "ON_STATION"), and the cross effects with the varieties.
The Variable VARIETY has the categories 1 - 5 (1 is omitted).
The Variable ON_STATION has the categories 0 and 1 (0 - on-farm, and 1 - on-station).
The syntax for the regression is:
I get the following output:
My interpretation of selected coefficiants would be:
VARIETY 3 (1.404661)--> Unique effect of Variety 3 only when ON_STATION =0. It means that on-farm, the odds of a high score for Variety 3 are 1.404661 times higher than for Variety 1 (the base).
1.ON_STATION (2.544482) --> Unique effect of ON_STATION. On the whole, all varieties do better on-station than on-farm. The odds of a high score for any of the varieties is 2.544482 times higher on-station than on-farm.
VARIETY#ON_STATION 2 1 (1.687201) --> The odds of a higher score on-station are 1.687201 times higher for variety 2 than variety 1 (the base).
Is that correct? It would be great if someone could help me out.
Kind regards,
I am not entirely sure of how to interpret the coefficients (especially of the interaction term) from the ordinal logistic regression that I ran.
In my trials, farmers have rated 5 different maize varieties on different characteristics. The varieties were both grown on-farm and on-station. I would like to analyse the ratings and differentiate between on-station and on-farm.
In order to test the significance of on-station vs. on-farm on the evaluation of the 5 maize varieties, I included a fixed main effect (Variable "ON_STATION"), and the cross effects with the varieties.
The Variable VARIETY has the categories 1 - 5 (1 is omitted).
The Variable ON_STATION has the categories 0 and 1 (0 - on-farm, and 1 - on-station).
The syntax for the regression is:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Iteration 0: log likelihood = -14599.444 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -14181.192 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -14178.639 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -14178.638 Ordered logistic regression Number of obs = 10095 LR chi2(9) = 841.61 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Log likelihood = -14178.638 Pseudo R2 = 0.0288 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OVERALL_EVALUATION | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- VARIETY | 2 | .9797576 .0998608 -0.20 0.841 .8023443 1.1964 3 | 1.404661 .1457255 3.28 0.001 1.14621 1.721388 4 | 1.601303 .1661474 4.54 0.000 1.306637 1.962421 5 | 1.145541 .1170296 1.33 0.184 .9376725 1.399492 | 1.ON_STATION | 2.544482 .227814 10.43 0.000 2.134957 3.032562 | VARIETY#ON_STATION | 2 1 | 1.687201 .2050854 4.30 0.000 1.329536 2.141083 3 1 | .91919 .1165427 -0.66 0.506 .71694 1.178495 4 1 | .6450919 .0813495 -3.48 0.001 .503826 .8259668 5 1 | .3855812 .0483454 -7.60 0.000 .3015709 .4929948 -------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- /cut1 | -2.420312 .0834386 -2.583849 -2.256776 /cut2 | -.9178322 .074329 -1.063514 -.77215 /cut3 | .4441504 .0736179 .2998619 .5884389 /cut4 | 2.179148 .0765604 2.029093 2.329204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . testparm i.ON_STATION i.VARIETY#i.ON_STATION ( 1) [OVERALL_EVALUATION]1.ON_STATION = 0 ( 2) [OVERALL_EVALUATION]2.VARIETY#1.ON_STATION = 0 ( 3) [OVERALL_EVALUATION]3.VARIETY#1.ON_STATION = 0 ( 4) [OVERALL_EVALUATION]4.VARIETY#1.ON_STATION = 0 ( 5) [OVERALL_EVALUATION]5.VARIETY#1.ON_STATION = 0 chi2( 5) = 518.12 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
VARIETY 3 (1.404661)--> Unique effect of Variety 3 only when ON_STATION =0. It means that on-farm, the odds of a high score for Variety 3 are 1.404661 times higher than for Variety 1 (the base).
1.ON_STATION (2.544482) --> Unique effect of ON_STATION. On the whole, all varieties do better on-station than on-farm. The odds of a high score for any of the varieties is 2.544482 times higher on-station than on-farm.
VARIETY#ON_STATION 2 1 (1.687201) --> The odds of a higher score on-station are 1.687201 times higher for variety 2 than variety 1 (the base).
Is that correct? It would be great if someone could help me out.
Kind regards,