hi there: I am trying to see the effect of derivative usage (dummy deriv) on firm value (with controls variables), I estimate 3 models:
2)OLS with industry dummies (industry fixed effects)
3) firm fixed effects (xtreg)
sorry might seem elementary but my question was basically regarding variables changing in significance from model to model, is this normal?
for example in these regressions:
-natlogassets (is positive in all regressions) is significant in the ols, insignificant in the ols with industry dummies and significant in the firm fixed effects.
-while the RND (is postive in all regressions) is significant in ols and ols with industry dummies and insignificant in firm fixed effects.
Is this normal/ to be expected or out of the ordinary?
and could a possible feasible explanation of the natlogassets significance change be that that industry plays a big role in determine firm size (which is what logassets proxies) so when industry is controlled for that effect of firm size on firm value vanishes?
or if a variable is insignificant does that mean you should'nt bother interpreting its sign/size at all?
I have no variables that change sign, I was taught that its only variables that are one sign and significant and then change sign and stay significant in a different model which are causes of concern
but just was curious about these changes in significance aswell.
Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks
2)OLS with industry dummies (industry fixed effects)
3) firm fixed effects (xtreg)
regress firm value logassets deriv blev roa currentratio RND cash dyield yeardummy if inlist(year,2014,2015)
regress firm value logassets deriv blev roa currentratio RND cash dyield yeardummy ind1* if inlist(year,2014,2015)
xtreg firm value logassets deriv blev roa currentratio RND cash dyield yeardummy if inlist(year,2014,2015), fe
sorry might seem elementary but my question was basically regarding variables changing in significance from model to model, is this normal?
for example in these regressions:
-natlogassets (is positive in all regressions) is significant in the ols, insignificant in the ols with industry dummies and significant in the firm fixed effects.
-while the RND (is postive in all regressions) is significant in ols and ols with industry dummies and insignificant in firm fixed effects.
Is this normal/ to be expected or out of the ordinary?
and could a possible feasible explanation of the natlogassets significance change be that that industry plays a big role in determine firm size (which is what logassets proxies) so when industry is controlled for that effect of firm size on firm value vanishes?
or if a variable is insignificant does that mean you should'nt bother interpreting its sign/size at all?
I have no variables that change sign, I was taught that its only variables that are one sign and significant and then change sign and stay significant in a different model which are causes of concern
but just was curious about these changes in significance aswell.
Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks