When I apply chi2- goodnes-of-fit-test STATA gives me the pearsons chi-square value of e.g. 10. There are 8 degrees of freedom. As a result 10 < 15.51 and H0 should be retained. My question now is which hypothesis STATA tests.
Is it Ho: F0 = F1 and H1: F0 != F1 or the other way around?
I guess it is the first one, but i am not really sure and can not interprete my results with not knowing that...
When I apply chi2- goodnes-of-fit-test STATA gives me the pearsons chi-square value of e.g. 10. There are 8 degrees of freedom. As a result 10 < 15.51 and H0 should be retained. My question now is which hypothesis STATA tests.
Is it Ho: F0 = F1 and H1: F0 != F1 or the other way around?
I guess it is the first one, but i am not really sure and can not interprete my results with not knowing that...