I am testing the creation of documents with putpdf. Below are commands that demonstrate a problem I encountered: I don't know how to minimize the space between rows in a table.
The resulting table, shown below, has a lot of space between individual rows although I set the top and bottom margins for all rows to 1 twip. How can I reduce the space between rows so that the table is more compact? 
A related question: Is it possible to set the font, margins and other options for all rows in a table without referring to each row individually, as I did with the forval i = 1/11 loop?
sysuse auto putpdf clear putpdf begin, font("Arial",10) putpdf paragraph, spacing(line, 1 pt) putpdf text ("Table 1"), bold putpdf table tab1 = data(make price mpg rep78) in 1/10, varnames forval i = 1/11 { putpdf table tab1(`i',.), font("Arial",8) margin(top, 1 twip) margin(bottom, 1 twip) valign(center) } forval i = 3/10 { putpdf table tab1(`i',.), border(top,nil) border(bottom,nil) } putpdf table tab1(1,.), bold putpdf save tabletest.pdf, replace
A related question: Is it possible to set the font, margins and other options for all rows in a table without referring to each row individually, as I did with the forval i = 1/11 loop?