I am using ivregress in Stata/SE 13.1. The following is an example of my data:
When I run ivregress 2sls y (w=z) x x2 x3, r, x3 is omitted because of collinearity:
However, if I manually run the first stage, x3 is not omitted:
Similarly, if I estimate the reduced form or do a "manual 2SLS", x3 is not omitted in either case:
So I can't see where the collinearity problem is since x3 is not omitted when I manually estimate the first and second stages.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input double(year z w y x x2 x3) float id 2000 1 .17732775483590524 .625 14.237260019993542 202.6995728769065 2885.8865249901482 1 2001 1 .11516598636189011 .625 14.037846192677339 197.06112572926565 2766.3137735432824 1 2006 1 .0997778162536522 .75 14.402869127783022 207.44263911204527 2987.7691826527116 1 1998 1 .09476815052776504 .1111111111111111 13.166248675216465 173.35010417763934 2282.37057947748 2 1996 1 .023636476968148103 .6666666666666666 13.744497522319085 188.91121214103546 2596.489687210757 3 1996 1 0 .7 13.652930450124554 186.40250987593825 2544.9405030648404 4 1997 0 0 .7272727272727273 13.808807391860622 190.68316158550456 2633.107051205269 4 1998 0 0 .7272727272727273 14.192381771074801 201.42370033593633 2858.682052910176 4 1999 0 0 .4444444444444444 14.288519627284563 204.16179313929618 2917.169788412444 4 2000 0 .0006008371743015709 .4444444444444444 14.450500149204077 208.81695456214703 3017.5094330566467 4 2001 0 .0011607436270597625 .4444444444444444 14.268634480356768 203.59392993402605 2905.007368647984 4 1999 1 .001261335087929178 .5769230769230769 14.088224683134758 198.47807472248746 2796.203711366413 5 2003 1 .017300749747983873 .8888888888888888 13.91097647734573 193.51526655326623 2691.9863210297754 6 2004 0 .03491016654472792 .8888888888888888 14.40845514787129 207.6035797482187 2991.2468673397298 6 1997 0 .0032880515165995402 .6666666666666666 14.067155848171003 197.88487365673166 2783.6773577248728 7 1998 0 .0071281133892940685 .5555555555555556 14.495947618579011 210.1324973605865 3046.0696747002544 7 1999 0 .004993944753080487 .5555555555555556 14.448307218786814 208.75358148844717 3016.1358783671326 7 2000 0 .03340747095354432 .7 14.503336166543715 210.34675995977494 3050.729771239893 7 2001 0 .08941331514727026 .6666666666666666 14.295431475834716 204.35936108028594 2921.4052427685915 7 2003 0 .17443912614864626 .75 14.15916631366352 200.48199069798383 2838.657849187096 7 end
note: x3 omitted because of collinearity Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression Number of obs = 20 Wald chi2(3) = 29.47 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.4243 Root MSE = .1294 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- w | .6922701 1.273419 0.54 0.587 -1.803584 3.188125 x | 19.93254 4.850439 4.11 0.000 10.42586 29.43923 x2 | -.7096673 .1747043 -4.06 0.000 -1.052081 -.3672532 x3 | 0 (omitted) _cons | -139.2837 33.66796 -4.14 0.000 -205.2717 -73.29572 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instrumented: w Instruments: x x2 z
reg w z x x2 x3, r Linear regression Number of obs = 20 F( 3, 15) = . Prob > F = . R-squared = 0.3350 Root MSE = .0544 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust w | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- z | .0537033 .0341344 1.57 0.137 -.0190525 .1264591 x | -318.4292 128.1503 -2.48 0.025 -591.575 -45.28335 x2 | 22.93841 9.293324 2.47 0.026 3.130155 42.74666 x3 | -.5504091 .2244903 -2.45 0.027 -1.028899 -.0719193 _cons | 1472.422 588.6305 2.50 0.024 217.7853 2727.058 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
reg y z x x2 x3, r // Reduced form Linear regression Number of obs = 20 F( 2, 15) = . Prob > F = . R-squared = 0.5440 Root MSE = .13298 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- z | .0270256 .0588615 0.46 0.653 -.0984348 .1524859 x | 646.7643 232.9068 2.78 0.014 150.3351 1143.193 x2 | -45.96497 16.86735 -2.73 0.016 -81.91686 -10.01307 x3 | 1.088447 .4069485 2.67 0.017 .221057 1.955838 _cons | -3031.587 1071.365 -2.83 0.013 -5315.148 -748.0267 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
quietly reg w z x x2 x3, r predict what, xb // Fitted values from first stage reg y what x x2 x3, r // Standard errors are incorrect, but the point is that x3 is not omitted Linear regression Number of obs = 20 F( 3, 15) = . Prob > F = . R-squared = 0.5440 Root MSE = .13298 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust y | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- what | .5032384 1.096073 0.46 0.653 -1.832987 2.839463 x | 807.01 467.8038 1.73 0.105 -190.0902 1804.11 x2 | -57.50845 33.7402 -1.70 0.109 -129.424 14.40708 x3 | 1.365434 .8106689 1.68 0.113 -.3624655 3.093334 _cons | -3772.566 2160.733 -1.75 0.101 -8378.06 832.9273 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------