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  • reg2docx -- Report regression results to formatted table in DOCX file

    reg2docx is now available on SSC, again, thanks to Kit Baum

    with this command, we can report regression results directly to docx
    with this command, you do not need to bother to install and set for the wordconvert command

    It is used after est store. Users can estimate different regression models. After that they can save the regression results with est store
    command. Then, users can call reg2docx to design a formatted table output for all the saved models to a docx file. The docx file can be appended to
    other docx files generated by putdocx, sum2docx, corr2docx, t2docx and etc, either using the append or replace option.

    A demonstration is as following:


    set obs 1000

    gen x1 = uniform()

    gen x2 = uniform()

    gen x3 = uniform()

    gen x4 = uniform()

    gen x5 = uniform()

    gen x6 = uniform()

    gen ind = mod(_n,10)

    tab ind, gen(ind)

    gen y = 0.4+.5*x1+.6*x2+.7*x3+.8*x4+rnormal()*3

    replace y = y-.7*x5-.8*x6

    forvalue i = 1(1)10 {

    replace y = y+sqrt(`i')*ind`i'


    reg y x1 x5 x6 ind2-ind10

    est store m1

    reg y x1 x2 x5 x6 ind2-ind10

    est store m2

    reg y x1 x2 x3 x5 x6 ind2-ind10

    est store m3

    reg y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ind2-ind10

    est store m4

    reg2docx m1 m2 m3 m4 using d:/mytable2.docx, replace indicate("ind=ind*") drop(x2 x3) r2(%9.3f) ar2(%9.2f) order(x6 x5) b(%9.3f) t(%7.2f) ///
    title(table2: OLS regression results) mtitles("model 1" "model 2" "" "model 4")

  • #2
    Hi, thank you for this amazing package. It looks super promising. One thing that's keeping me from making the switch from esttab is the advanced ability for value labels and dropping base levels for categorical / dummy / binary variables. Is there any chance this will come to reg2docx or are these limitations of putdocx?
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Cheers, Felix
    Stata Version: MP 18.0
    OS: Windows 11

