Dear all,
I have a question on how to obtain the asymptotic variance of the estimator of the variance of the error terms in a multivariate regression under maximum likelihood in a simple i.i.d. situation.
It should be derived as the inverse of Hessian or the squared "score" in theory (e.g., Hayashi, 2000, p.475, Proposition 7.9; as in many other textbooks), but my calculation gives me a different result than Stata computes. I also found that my old version of Greene's textbook (4th edition, p.625, equation 15-55) has a formula different than my calculation, but Stata's result is different from this either.
I wrote a code (please find below) to compare these three in a bi-variate regression. The differences between mine and Stata's result are up to constant factors (2 and 4) depending on elements of the variance matrix, but regardless of the data. Greene's formula is closer to Stata's result but the [2,2] element differs by a non-constant factor depending on data.
Could anyone help me find the exact formula that Stata uses, and how to derive it?
Any references to a textbook or a paper would also be highly appreciated. Hayashi (2000) states that "We will not be concerned with the asymptotic normality of the ML estimator of \Omega_o", i.e., the variance estimator. My version of Greene's textbook noted that "It would be rarely used, but if needed" and no derivation is there and this entire part including the formula (15-55) is dropped in a newer version. Lack of detailed references is my key constraint.
I've spent more than a week to resolve this issue and do appreciate any reactions/comments on this issue.
Thank you!
I have a question on how to obtain the asymptotic variance of the estimator of the variance of the error terms in a multivariate regression under maximum likelihood in a simple i.i.d. situation.
It should be derived as the inverse of Hessian or the squared "score" in theory (e.g., Hayashi, 2000, p.475, Proposition 7.9; as in many other textbooks), but my calculation gives me a different result than Stata computes. I also found that my old version of Greene's textbook (4th edition, p.625, equation 15-55) has a formula different than my calculation, but Stata's result is different from this either.
I wrote a code (please find below) to compare these three in a bi-variate regression. The differences between mine and Stata's result are up to constant factors (2 and 4) depending on elements of the variance matrix, but regardless of the data. Greene's formula is closer to Stata's result but the [2,2] element differs by a non-constant factor depending on data.
Could anyone help me find the exact formula that Stata uses, and how to derive it?
Any references to a textbook or a paper would also be highly appreciated. Hayashi (2000) states that "We will not be concerned with the asymptotic normality of the ML estimator of \Omega_o", i.e., the variance estimator. My version of Greene's textbook noted that "It would be rarely used, but if needed" and no derivation is there and this entire part including the formula (15-55) is dropped in a newer version. Lack of detailed references is my key constraint.
I've spent more than a week to resolve this issue and do appreciate any reactions/comments on this issue.
Thank you!
// ml_variance discard clear all clear mata clear matrix set more off webuse m1gdp qui su local nobs = r(N) replace ln_gdp = ln_gdp*100 replace ln_m1 = ln_m1*100 // Change data randomly to see how formulas work gen double v1 = invnormal(uniform()) gen double v2 = invnormal(uniform()) replace ln_gdp = 100 + v1*1.5 + v2*3 replace ln_m1 = 100 - v1*1.0 + v2*2 // Basic var with two lags. var d.ln_gdp d.ln_m1 mat Vx = e(Sigma) // Use ml to implement the bivariate VAR capture program drop my_var program my_var version 14 args lnfj mu1 mu2 lns1 lns2 s12 tempvar res1 res2 quietly gen double `res1' = $ML_y1 - `mu1' quietly gen double `res2' = $ML_y2 - `mu2' quietly replace `lnfj' = -((`res1')^2/exp(`lns1') + /// (-2*((`s12')/sqrt(exp(`lns1')*exp(`lns2'))))*(`res1'*`res2')/sqrt(exp(`lns1')*exp(`lns2')) + /// (`res2')^2/exp(`lns2'))/(2*(1-((`s12')/sqrt(exp(`lns1')*exp(`lns2')))^2)) - /// ln(2*_pi*sqrt(exp(`lns1')*exp(`lns2')-(`s12')^2)) end ml model lf my_var (d.ln_gdp=L.d.ln_gdp L2.d.ln_gdp L.d.ln_m1 L2.d.ln_m1) /// (d.ln_m1=L.d.ln_gdp L2.d.ln_gdp L.d.ln_m1 L2.d.ln_m1) /lns1 /lns2 /s12, /// diparm(lns1, exp label("s1")) diparm(lns2, exp label("s2")) ml maximize nlcom (exp(_b[lns1:_cons])) /// (_b[s12:_cons]) /// (exp(_b[lns2:_cons])) /// , post mat Vsmln = e(V) // Greene's formula (4th edition, p.625, equation 15-55) mat Vx_kron_Vx = Vx#Vx mat Vsg4 = Vx_kron_Vx/(`nobs'-2)*2 mat Vsg = (Vsg4[1..2, 1..2], Vsg4[1..2, 4 ] \ Vsg4[4, 1..2], Vsg4[4,4]) // A formula derived from the inverse of the squared "score" evaluated at the true parameter values, // calculated in a symbolic math tool. mat Vsf = ( Vx_kron_Vx[1, 1], 2*Vx_kron_Vx[1, 2], Vx_kron_Vx[1, 4] \ /// 2*Vx_kron_Vx[2, 1], 2*Vx_kron_Vx[2, 2]+2*Vx_kron_Vx[1, 4], 2*Vx_kron_Vx[2, 4] \ /// Vx_kron_Vx[4, 1], 2*Vx_kron_Vx[4, 2], Vx_kron_Vx[4, 4] ) mat Vsf = Vsf/(`nobs'-2)*2 mat list Vsmln mat list Vsg mat list Vsf di `nobs' // Ratios between Greene's formula and Stata results di Vsg[1,1]/Vsmln[1,1] di Vsg[2,1]/Vsmln[2,1] di Vsg[2,2]/Vsmln[2,2] di Vsg[3,1]/Vsmln[3,1] di Vsg[3,2]/Vsmln[3,2] di Vsg[3,3]/Vsmln[3,3] // Ratios between a formula derived by me and Stata results di Vsf[1,1]/Vsmln[1,1] di Vsf[2,1]/Vsmln[2,1] di Vsf[2,2]/Vsmln[2,2] di Vsf[3,1]/Vsmln[3,1] di Vsf[3,2]/Vsmln[3,2] di Vsf[3,3]/Vsmln[3,3] exit