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  • Predictive margins command for XTOLOGIT

    Hi there,

    I am running a Random-effects panel ordered logistic regression model on my panel which has a categorical dependent variable. I would to estimate predictive margins of my dependent variable for a given value of my independent variable (which is also a categorical variable).

    I am aware of the command- margins, dydx(IV1) predict(pu0 outcome(1)) predict(pu0 outcome(2)) estimates the average marginal effects, for IV1,

    If someone could help me with the syntax for predictive margins command for panel ordered logit model, it will be really good!


  • #2
    Drop the dydx entry, and put in an at() statement for the x values you want to work with.


    • #3
      margins, at(year) predict(pu0 outcome(1)) predict(pu0 outcome(2)) did not work. It gave me predictive margins outcome variable when year was held at its mean value (made little sense in my case!)

      But what worked was - margins i.year, predict(pu0 outcome(1)) predict(pu0 outcome(2)) predict(pu0 outcome(3)) predict(pu0 outcome(4)) . It gave me predictive margins/probability of the outcome variable as estimated by my model for each of the years!

      Nevertheless, thank you :-)

      Originally posted by Phil Bromiley View Post
      Drop the dydx entry, and put in an at() statement for the x values you want to work with.

