Dear all,
I am struggling with the interpretation of interacted odds ratio in a conditional logit.
I am familiar with the Stata tip 87 by Maarten Buis which details the advantages of using Odds Ratio (OR) in non-linear models, and gives an interpretation example using dichotomous variables (here).
At the end of it, Maarten states "However, the basic argument still holds when using continuous variables and when controlling variables are added. Moreover, the argument is not limited to
results obtained from logit. It applies to all forms of multiplicative effects, and so, for example, to odds ratios from other models"
I use odds ratios from a conditional logit (clogit in Stata, which could be equivalent to xtlogit, when set properly).
Let me give you the following example:
which gives:
Four things differ from Maarten Buis' example:
- control variables are added (rating, distance): but, as said earlier, this shouldn't be a trouble.
- All variables (including interacted ones) are continuous
- No baseline could be added (because of the fixed effects of conditional logit, see the code below)
- Similarly, one of the interacted variable (income) cannot be added alone in the model (no within-group variance).
Using the second model (interacted one) : I interpret cost's odds ratio as follows " odds of restaurants decrease by 23.6 % (1-0.764) when the cost per person increases of 1".
Yet, I struggle to interpret the interaction term, which odds ratio turns above 1 and significant. The intuition would be to say that higher income families goes more in costly restaurant, but of how much?
Any help would be appreciated,
I am struggling with the interpretation of interacted odds ratio in a conditional logit.
I am familiar with the Stata tip 87 by Maarten Buis which details the advantages of using Odds Ratio (OR) in non-linear models, and gives an interpretation example using dichotomous variables (here).
At the end of it, Maarten states "However, the basic argument still holds when using continuous variables and when controlling variables are added. Moreover, the argument is not limited to
results obtained from logit. It applies to all forms of multiplicative effects, and so, for example, to odds ratios from other models"
I use odds ratios from a conditional logit (clogit in Stata, which could be equivalent to xtlogit, when set properly).
Let me give you the following example:
webuse restaurant,clear clogit chosen cost rating distance,group(family_id) outreg, or clogit chosen cost c.cost#c.income rating distance,group(family_id) outreg, or merge
--------------------------------------- chosen chosen --------------------------------------- cost 0.857 0.764 (8.88)** (8.83)** rating 2.380 2.516 (8.84)** (9.21)** distance 0.918 0.914 (1.95) (2.02)* c.cost#c.income 1.002 (5.23)** N 2,100 2,100 --------------------------------------- * p<0.05; ** p<0.01
Four things differ from Maarten Buis' example:
- control variables are added (rating, distance): but, as said earlier, this shouldn't be a trouble.
- All variables (including interacted ones) are continuous
- No baseline could be added (because of the fixed effects of conditional logit, see the code below)
- Similarly, one of the interacted variable (income) cannot be added alone in the model (no within-group variance).
webuse restaurant,clear *Adding a baseline gen byte baseline=1 clogit chosen cost c.cost#c.income rating distance baseline,group(family_id) outreg, or merge *Adding income alone first. clogit chosen c.cost##c.income rating distance,group(family_id) outreg, or merge
Yet, I struggle to interpret the interaction term, which odds ratio turns above 1 and significant. The intuition would be to say that higher income families goes more in costly restaurant, but of how much?
Any help would be appreciated,