Dear Statalist members,
I would like to know how to produce a publishable regression table from bayesmh command. For example, I can easily produce a regression table from simple regress command like:
sysuse auto
foreach var of varlist mpg weight trunk length {
2. eststo: qui reg price `var'
3. }
(est1 stored)
(est2 stored)
(est3 stored)
(est4 stored)
. esttab, b(%9.3f) se(%7.3f) eqlabel(none) ar2 label
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Price Price Price Price
Mileage (mpg) -238.894***
Weight (lbs.) 2.044***
Trunk space (.. ft.) 216.748**
Length (in.) 57.202***
Constant 11253.061*** -6.707 3183.504** -4584.899
(1170.813) (1174.430) (1110.728) (2664.437)
Observations 74 74 74 74
Adjusted R-squared 0.209 0.280 0.086 0.175
Standard errors in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
end of do-file
But, I cannot do it after I run bayesmh command.
foreach v of varlist mpg weight trunk length {
2. eststo: qui bayesmh price `v', likelihood(normal({var})) prior({price: _cons `v'}, flat) prior({var}, jeffrey) saving(`v'model)
3. }
file mpgmodel.dta could not be opened
Do you have any idea of how to produce a regression table from bayesmh command? Thank you
Best regards,
I would like to know how to produce a publishable regression table from bayesmh command. For example, I can easily produce a regression table from simple regress command like:
sysuse auto
foreach var of varlist mpg weight trunk length {
2. eststo: qui reg price `var'
3. }
(est1 stored)
(est2 stored)
(est3 stored)
(est4 stored)
. esttab, b(%9.3f) se(%7.3f) eqlabel(none) ar2 label
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Price Price Price Price
Mileage (mpg) -238.894***
Weight (lbs.) 2.044***
Trunk space (.. ft.) 216.748**
Length (in.) 57.202***
Constant 11253.061*** -6.707 3183.504** -4584.899
(1170.813) (1174.430) (1110.728) (2664.437)
Observations 74 74 74 74
Adjusted R-squared 0.209 0.280 0.086 0.175
Standard errors in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
end of do-file
But, I cannot do it after I run bayesmh command.
foreach v of varlist mpg weight trunk length {
2. eststo: qui bayesmh price `v', likelihood(normal({var})) prior({price: _cons `v'}, flat) prior({var}, jeffrey) saving(`v'model)
3. }
file mpgmodel.dta could not be opened
Do you have any idea of how to produce a regression table from bayesmh command? Thank you
Best regards,