I have a panel data set which has some data recorded annually and some that are recorded quarterly. I want to transform the quarterly (counts of new jobs created in a county) into a new variable which has the average new jobs created annually. I am having trouble getting STATA to average the existing new jobs variable and creating one annual new job variable for each case. It keep doing it by all the quarters and disregards the fact these are case (county) specific. Is this a two step process or is there one quick way to do this in one line of syntax?
Note: the dataset has years from 1998-2015 and quarterly new jobs data for all years. The number of cases (i.e., the unit in the panel) is 37 counties.
Many thanks in advance!
Note: the dataset has years from 1998-2015 and quarterly new jobs data for all years. The number of cases (i.e., the unit in the panel) is 37 counties.
Many thanks in advance!