Hi All,
I'm working on trying to find the effect of parenthood on wages earned and hours worked by the parents.
I'm using the BHPS and I've created two subsets looking at married males and married females who are aged between 21 and 45 and who have a degree.
I've created a variable newchild which shows when the respondent has a new child this period when compared with last period.
I've created a dummy variable to =1 when the person lives in London, but this omits itself through collinearity. Should I just use the original variable, region but then this wouldn't be indicating to me if they live in London, right?
For my gross pay variable, I'm using gross pay last period and I've linked it back to the variable that tells me how long the period lasted in weeks - should I get the log of this before running my regression?
The equation I've used, to work out the wages earned is,
Is this code correct?
Highereducat omits itself because I've limited my sample to look at people who have a degree, so I don't need to include it in my regression?
Thanks you for any help you can offer?
Stata IC 15
I'm working on trying to find the effect of parenthood on wages earned and hours worked by the parents.
I'm using the BHPS and I've created two subsets looking at married males and married females who are aged between 21 and 45 and who have a degree.
I've created a variable newchild which shows when the respondent has a new child this period when compared with last period.
I've created a dummy variable to =1 when the person lives in London, but this omits itself through collinearity. Should I just use the original variable, region but then this wouldn't be indicating to me if they live in London, right?
For my gross pay variable, I'm using gross pay last period and I've linked it back to the variable that tells me how long the period lasted in weeks - should I get the log of this before running my regression?
The equation I've used, to work out the wages earned is,
regress weeklypay region age newchild highesteducat london
Highereducat omits itself because I've limited my sample to look at people who have a degree, so I don't need to include it in my regression?
Thanks you for any help you can offer?
Stata IC 15