Dear Statalist,
This is my first time posting on here so apologies in advance for any mistakes.
1. I am trying to create Z-scores for birth weight standardardised for gestational age in Stata version 14.0 using the UK 1990 data as my reference.
I used 'findit zanthro' and clicked on the first link dm0004_1 installed the installation files and the ancillary files. The ancillary files were saved on the current drive while the installation files were saved in the local drive.
I used the following command to generate Z-scores:
egen zscoreUK= zanthro(bw_KG,wa,UK), xvar(gestage) gender(sex) gencode(male=1, female=2) ageunit(week) gestage(gestage) nocutoff
bw_KG = birthweight in KG (it was originally in grammes, so I created a new variable in KG)
wa= weight-for-age chart
UK= for UK 1990 Growth Reference
gesatge=gestational age in weeks
The z-scores created were all negative, however my data for birth weight and gestational age are fairly normally distributed (they aren't massively skewed) which makes me think there is something wrong with my code or potentially which directory the files are saved in.
I did then copy and paste the ancillary files into the local drive where the programme was installed, but this didn't make a difference to the result.
2. I also don't understand what the gestage(gestage) part of the above command means? i.e. I ran the command without gestage(gestage) in it, and it gave me similar but non-identical set of results:
egen zscoreUK2= zanthro(bw_KG,wa,UK), xvar(gestage) gender(sex) gencode(male=1, female=2) ageunit(week) nocutoff
Many thanks in advance,
This is my first time posting on here so apologies in advance for any mistakes.
1. I am trying to create Z-scores for birth weight standardardised for gestational age in Stata version 14.0 using the UK 1990 data as my reference.
I used 'findit zanthro' and clicked on the first link dm0004_1 installed the installation files and the ancillary files. The ancillary files were saved on the current drive while the installation files were saved in the local drive.
I used the following command to generate Z-scores:
egen zscoreUK= zanthro(bw_KG,wa,UK), xvar(gestage) gender(sex) gencode(male=1, female=2) ageunit(week) gestage(gestage) nocutoff
bw_KG = birthweight in KG (it was originally in grammes, so I created a new variable in KG)
wa= weight-for-age chart
UK= for UK 1990 Growth Reference
gesatge=gestational age in weeks
The z-scores created were all negative, however my data for birth weight and gestational age are fairly normally distributed (they aren't massively skewed) which makes me think there is something wrong with my code or potentially which directory the files are saved in.
I did then copy and paste the ancillary files into the local drive where the programme was installed, but this didn't make a difference to the result.
2. I also don't understand what the gestage(gestage) part of the above command means? i.e. I ran the command without gestage(gestage) in it, and it gave me similar but non-identical set of results:
egen zscoreUK2= zanthro(bw_KG,wa,UK), xvar(gestage) gender(sex) gencode(male=1, female=2) ageunit(week) nocutoff
Many thanks in advance,