I am seeing some unexpected behavior in estimation on multiply imputed (MI) data in wide format. When I load my MI dataset and run a simple estimation command (e.g. mi est: mean...), I get a value and the correct number of imputed observations. However, once I convert the dataset to wide format via mi convert wide, I get a different (presumably incorrect) value and a number of observations that appears to be the N BEFORE imputation. In other words, the imputed data appears to be totally disregarded. In fact after running mi convert wide, if I attempt to estimate a mean for a single imputation, I get the error "no observations." I do not get this error if I attempt to estimate the mean for the m=0 (non-imputed) data in wide format, or if I run the exact same command coverting to wide format. This is a major problem because my analysis requires merging replicate weights for correct calculation of standard errors, which can only be merged in wide format. (However, the issue I have just described is not related to this merge, because the error described occurs without merging weights)
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