Hi all,
I'm looking to balance my panel data - any opinions/warnings on this would also be appreciated. Essentially I need both baseline (wave 4) and outcome (wave 6) measures for analysis of adolescent substance use and self-esteem.
My panel is pretty unbalanced - see code below. I essentially need my unique ID youth_pidp to only be present if they have data in both wave 4 and 6.
** My panel is mostly unbalanced due to the timing of the questionnaires across waves are only for those aged 10-15 so there will likely be a lot of missing values - unsure whether this is MAR.
I've looked online but I can't find any information which I could apply.
Here is my xtset, xtdescribe.
I hope thats enough information, thanks in advance.
I'm looking to balance my panel data - any opinions/warnings on this would also be appreciated. Essentially I need both baseline (wave 4) and outcome (wave 6) measures for analysis of adolescent substance use and self-esteem.
My panel is pretty unbalanced - see code below. I essentially need my unique ID youth_pidp to only be present if they have data in both wave 4 and 6.
** My panel is mostly unbalanced due to the timing of the questionnaires across waves are only for those aged 10-15 so there will likely be a lot of missing values - unsure whether this is MAR.
I've looked online but I can't find any information which I could apply.
Here is my xtset, xtdescribe.
** setting it as panel just in case ** . xtset youth_pidp wave panel variable: youth_pidp (unbalanced) time variable: wave, 4 to 6, but with gaps delta: 1 unit
youth_pidp: 68014295, 68028583, ..., 1.639e+09 n = 5725 wave: 4, 6, ..., 6 T = 2 Delta(wave) = 1 unit Span(wave) = 3 periods (youth_pidp*wave uniquely identifies each observation) Distribution of T_i: min 5% 25% 50% 75% 95% max 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Freq. Percent Cum. | Pattern* ---------------------------+---------- 2259 39.46 39.46 | 1. 1790 31.27 70.72 | 11 1676 29.28 100.00 | .1 ---------------------------+---------- 5725 100.00 | XX -------------------------------------- *Each column represents 2 periods.