First of all, congrats on the forum. It has helped me a lot over the years.
Today i haven't found any answer to my question, hence posting for the 1st time:
I'm using the mrtab function and i would like to see if there is a relationship between my 2 categorical variables: financing of the migration cost (multiple answers possible) and income quintile. I can't use the Chi2 test i have some of my cells containing less than 5 observations and it doesn't seem possible to run a Fisher test with the mrtab command.
Could someone suggest an alternative? This is how my results look like:

Many thanks,
First of all, congrats on the forum. It has helped me a lot over the years.
Today i haven't found any answer to my question, hence posting for the 1st time:
I'm using the mrtab function and i would like to see if there is a relationship between my 2 categorical variables: financing of the migration cost (multiple answers possible) and income quintile. I can't use the Chi2 test i have some of my cells containing less than 5 observations and it doesn't seem possible to run a Fisher test with the mrtab command.
Could someone suggest an alternative? This is how my results look like:
Many thanks,