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  • SVAR Long-run & Short run restrictions

    So i'm currently doing my dissertation where i've decided to follow the methodology of this paper: They essentially use US data to build a SVAR which as four shocks: two short and two long-run shocks. I'm currently trying to follow this methodology but apply the analysis to Norway. However, i've run into a few problems.
    1. I haven't been able to estimate both short-run and long-run shocks in either stata or Eviews. Is there some way of doing this in Stata? If not, what would my alternatives be?
    2. I'm not entirely sure I understand the paper's restrictions on both the short and long-run matrices of the SVAR. I've tried to estimate the short run shocks by themselves but my impulse response functions look really wrong.
    3. The paper estimates a few of the SVAR equations using 2SLS and I honestly have no idea how to implement this in a SVAR framework through software packages such as Stata and eviews. Any guidance with respect to this will be greatly appreciated.

    I've been stuck on this issue for a few weeks and my supervisor is unavailable. Please let me know if any more information is required.

  • #2
    Go to
    and search for svar (use the search box in the top right hand corner). You should find two detailed explanations, one for svar and one for long run restrictions


    • #3
      Neither one of the articles answers my questions, though I assume this means that both LR and SR shocks cannot be estimated simultaneously in stata?


      • #4
        No, they cannot. As page 760 of the manual states "These options specify the long-run constraints in an SVAR. To specify a long-run SVAR model, you must specify at least one of these options. The list of options specifies constraints on the parameters of the long-run C matrix (see Long-run SVAR models for the definition of C). None of these options may be specified with any of the options that define short-run constraints.


        • #5
          Would you happen to know of any software that is able to do this?


          • #6
            An add-in has been written for EViews which is called svarpatterns. I have no idea what it's worth. You will find it by Googling.
            Imposing both short- and long-run restrictions is a tricky business both statistically and numerically.
            I haven't looked at RATS to see what it does.


            • #7
              Great, i'll take a look at those. Thanks for your help!

