Hi there,
I am new to Stata and have run a FE regression on my data using: xtreg dep indep, fe
I now wish to run tests: VIF for multicollinearity, hettest for heteroscedasticity, Jarque-Bera for normality and Durbin-Watson for Auto-correlation.
However, from what I have read, these are only possible after the command function regress. Is there any way for me to test the panel data without reverting to an OLS estimation?
I am new to Stata and have run a FE regression on my data using: xtreg dep indep, fe
I now wish to run tests: VIF for multicollinearity, hettest for heteroscedasticity, Jarque-Bera for normality and Durbin-Watson for Auto-correlation.
However, from what I have read, these are only possible after the command function regress. Is there any way for me to test the panel data without reverting to an OLS estimation?