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  • leads and lags in fe 2sls models

    I'm estimating the following fe 2sls model using xtivreg

    xtivreg Mathprofrate_z (ppe = decreaseenroll) enrollment enrollsquared  debtratio teachersalrealinfout per_freeclean per_min PER_LEP EMdisratecomp i.Year  if Year >=2006, fe vce(cluster District) first
    I'm trying to test the predicted values of ppe for strict exogeneity using Wooldridge (2010) well-known test. Can I use the lead value of the instrument to predict lead ppe in a model where I also use the instrument in period t to predict ppe in period t. I think this is ok because even though you are using the same set of data, different versions of the instrument in period t and t+1 are technically different instruments.

    would the following equation be correct?

    xtivreg Mathprofrate_z (ppe F.ppe = decreaseenroll F.decreaseenroll) enrollment enrollsquared  debtratio teachersalrealinfout per_freeclean per_min PER_LEP EMdisratecomp i.Year  if Year >=2006, fe vce(cluster District) first