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  • user written command using putdocx

    Hi Statalist,

    This is my first post so I hope I am following Statalist protocol. I wanted to contribute a script for a command table_1 built using the new putdocx command in Stata 15. It creates a formatted table of summary statistics by the categories of a categorical variable in the style of a "Table 1" used in the medical literature.

    Any feedback or bugs found I would appreciate!


    Will Parker

    version 3.0
    [email protected]

    creates a publication quality Table 1 (summary statistics) for categorical and continuous covariates across groups.

    varname [if] [in], cont_vars(varlist of continuous variables) cat_vars(varlist of categorical variables) [options]

    where varname is a categorical group variable

    options include:
    creg_op(string of regression options to be applied to testing for differences between groups)
    title(string of document title)
    median - add median and IQR for continuous variables
    any putdocx begin options

    sysuse auto.dta, clear
    table_1 foreign, cont_vars(price mpg headroom trunk weight length turn displacement gear_ratio) cat_vars(rep78) title(auto_table_1.docx)

    cap program drop table_1
    program define table_1
    version 15
    syntax varname [if] [in], cont_vars(varlist) cat_vars(varlist) [creg_op(string) title(string) median *]
    marksample touse
    keep if `touse'

    putdocx begin, `options'

    putdocx paragraph
    putdocx text ("Table 1"), bold

    *create header
    putdocx paragraph
    distinct `varlist'
    local n_cats = r(ndistinct)
    local col = 3+2*`n_cats'
    putdocx table tbl1 = (2,`col'), border(all, nil) memtable layout(fixed)
    putdocx table tbl1(1,1) = (" "), halign(left) border(top) colspan(2)
    putdocx table tbl1(2,1) = ("variable"), halign(left) border(bottom) colspan(2)

    levelsof `varlist', local(`varlist'_g)
    local c_col = 2
    foreach l of local `varlist'_g{
    local var_lab : label `varlist' `l'
    putdocx table tbl1(1,`c_col') = ("`var_lab'"), halign(center) border(top) colspan(2) valign(center)
    quietly: sum if `varlist' == `l'
    local obs_`l' = r(N)
    putdocx table tbl1(2,`c_col') = ("(N =`obs_`l'')"), halign(center) border(bottom) colspan(2) valign(center)
    local ++c_col

    putdocx table tbl1(1,`c_col') = (" "), halign(right) border(top)
    putdocx table tbl1(2,`c_col') = ("p-value"), halign(right)border(bottom)

    *continuous variables
    local row 1
    local col= `n_cats'*2+3
    putdocx table tbl2 = (1,`col'), memtable cellmargin(left, 0.015) cellmargin(right, 0.015) layout(fixed) border(all,nil)
    putdocx table tbl2(`row',.), addrows(1)

    local sub_head = `col'-1
    forvalues c = 3/`sub_head'{
    if mod(`c',2) ==1 {
    putdocx table tbl2(`row',`c') = ("Mean"), halign(right) border(bottom) valign(bottom)
    if mod(`c',2) ==0{
    putdocx table tbl2(`row',`c') = ("±SD"), halign(left) border(bottom) valign(bottom)

    foreach cv of local cont_vars{
    putdocx table tbl2(`row',.), addrows(1)
    local ++row

    local var_lab : variable label `cv'
    if "`var_lab'" == ""{
    local var_lab `cv'

    putdocx table tbl2(`row',1) = ("`var_lab'"), halign(left) colspan(2)

    levelsof `varlist', local(over_group)
    local cur_col 2
    foreach i of local over_group{
    tabstat `cv' if `varlist'==`i', stat(mean sd) format(%5.1f) save
    matrix m = r(StatTotal)
    local mn: di %5.2f m[1,1]
    local mn = strltrim("`mn'")
    local p_m "±"
    local sd: di %5.2f m[2,1]
    local sd = strltrim("`sd'")
    local sd `p_m'`sd'
    putdocx table tbl2(`row',`cur_col') = (`mn'), halign(right)
    local ++cur_col
    putdocx table tbl2(`row',`cur_col') = ("`sd'"), halign(left)
    local ++cur_col

    regress `cv' i.`varlist' , `creg_op'
    testparm i.`varlist'
    local p : di %5.3f r(p)
    if `p' < 0.001 {
    local p "<0.001"
    putdocx table tbl2(`row',`cur_col') = ("`p'"), halign(center)


    *median and IQR for continuous variables
    if "`median'" == "median"{
    local row 1
    local col= `n_cats'*2+3
    putdocx table tbl4 = (1,`col'), memtable cellmargin(left, 0.015) cellmargin(right, 0.015) layout(fixed) border(all,nil)
    putdocx table tbl4(`row',.), addrows(1)

    local sub_head = `col'-1
    forvalues c = 3/`sub_head'{
    if mod(`c',2) ==1 {
    putdocx table tbl4(`row',`c') = ("Median"), halign(right) border(bottom) valign(bottom)
    if mod(`c',2) ==0{
    putdocx table tbl4(`row',`c') = ("[IQR]"), halign(left) border(bottom) valign(bottom)

    foreach cv of local cont_vars{
    putdocx table tbl4(`row',.), addrows(1)
    local ++row

    local var_lab : variable label `cv'
    if "`var_lab'" == ""{
    local var_lab `cv'

    putdocx table tbl4(`row',1) = ("`var_lab'"), halign(left) colspan(2)

    levelsof `varlist', local(over_group)
    local cur_col 2
    foreach i of local over_group{
    tabstat `cv' if `varlist'==`i', stat(median p25 p75) format(%5.1f) save
    matrix m = r(StatTotal)
    local mn: di %5.0f m[1,1]
    local mn = strltrim("`mn'")
    local p25: di %5.0f m[2,1]
    local p25 = strltrim("`p25'")
    local p75: di %5.0f m[3,1]
    local p75 = strltrim("`p75'")
    local iqr "[`p25'–`p75']"
    putdocx table tbl4(`row',`cur_col') = (`mn'), halign(right)
    local ++cur_col
    putdocx table tbl4(`row',`cur_col') = ("`iqr'"), halign(left)
    local ++cur_col

    qreg `cv' i.`varlist'
    testparm i.`varlist'
    local p : di %5.3f r(p)
    if `p' < 0.001 {
    local p "<0.001"
    putdocx table tbl4(`row',`cur_col') = ("`p'"), halign(center)


    *Categorical Variables
    local row 1
    distinct `varlist'

    local col = 3+2*r(ndistinct)

    putdocx table tbl3 = (1,`col'), border(all,nil) memtable cellmargin(left, 0.015) cellmargin(right, 0.015) layout(fixed)
    putdocx table tbl3(`row',.), addrows(1)
    local sub_head = `col'-1
    forvalues c = 3/`sub_head'{
    if mod(`c',2) ==1 {
    putdocx table tbl3(`row',`c') = ("N"), halign(right) border(bottom) valign(bottom)
    if mod(`c',2) ==0{
    putdocx table tbl3(`row',`c') = ("(%)"), halign(left) border(bottom) valign(bottom)

    foreach cv of local cat_vars{
    distinct `cv'
    local categories = r(ndistinct)+2
    putdocx table tbl3(`row',.), addrows(`categories')
    local ++row
    *label categorical variable
    local var_lab : variable label `cv'
    if "`var_lab'" == ""{
    local var_lab `cv'
    mlogit `cv' i.`varlist', `creg_op'
    testparm i.`varlist'
    local p : di %5.3f r(p)
    if `p' < 0.001 {
    local p "<0.001"
    putdocx table tbl3(`row',`col') = ("`p'"), halign(center)

    putdocx table tbl3(`row',1) = ("`var_lab'"), halign(left) underline colspan(2)

    local ++row

    levelsof `varlist', local(over_group)
    local cur_col 1

    foreach i of local over_group{
    local r = `row'

    levelsof `cv', local(c_l)
    local k = 1

    foreach c of local c_l{
    local j = `cur_col'
    local ct: label `cv' `c'
    if "`ct'" == ""{
    local ct `c'
    tab `cv' if `varlist'==`i', matcell(M)
    local freq_1 = M[`k',1]
    local freq_1 = strltrim("`freq_1'")
    local pt_1 =100*`freq_1'/`obs_`i''
    local pt_1: di %5.1f `pt_1'
    local pt_1 "`pt_1'"
    local pt_1 = strltrim("`pt_1'")

    if `cur_col'==1{
    putdocx table tbl3(`r',`j') = ("`ct'"), halign(left) colspan(2)
    local ++j

    putdocx table tbl3(`r',`j') = (`freq_1'), halign(right)
    local ++j

    putdocx table tbl3(`r',`j') = ("(`pt_1')"), halign(left)
    local ++j
    local ++r
    local ++k
    if `cur_col'==1 {
    local cur_col = 4

    else if `cur_col' !=1 {
    local cur_col = `cur_col'+2


    local row = `r'


    if "`title'" == ""{

    local title "table1.docx"

    *create final table and put in document
    if "`median'" == ""{
    putdocx table tbl12 = (3,1), border(all, nil) headerrow(1) layout(fixed) cellspacing(0.01)
    putdocx table tbl12(1,1) = table(tbl1)
    putdocx table tbl12(2,1) = table(tbl2)
    putdocx table tbl12(3,1) = table(tbl3), border(bottom)

    if "`median'" == "median"{
    putdocx table tbl12 = (4,1), border(all, nil) headerrow(1) layout(fixed) cellspacing(0.01)
    putdocx table tbl12(1,1) = table(tbl1)
    putdocx table tbl12(2,1) = table(tbl2)
    putdocx table tbl12(3,1) = table(tbl4)
    putdocx table tbl12(4,1) = table(tbl3), border(bottom)
    putdocx save `title', replace


    *test command
    sysuse auto.dta, clear

    table_1 foreign, cont_vars(price mpg headroom trunk weight length turn displacement gear_ratio) cat_vars(rep78) title(auto_table_1.docx) median

  • #2
    This is wonderful! I have modified this to meet my needs but the current issue I am having is the labels for the categorical values. I have defined the values for the groups but I don't know how to add that into the code to display the group names. For example gender is 1 and 2 but I want it to say Male and Female. If I do a simple tab gender it displays the labels, but it does not display them in the table produced with your code. It will display variable labels which is nice. Any suggestion on how to add that to your code?


    • #3
      Hi folks, I thought I'd give this a bump with an announcement of another user-written package.

      Check out:

      ssc describe smrtbl

      There are three commands available in the package that simplify generating tables with putdocx.

      Start with smrtbl which simplifies putting one- or two-way tables.

      ~ Adam


      • #4
        Originally posted by Danielle Guffey View Post
        This is wonderful! I have modified this to meet my needs but the current issue I am having is the labels for the categorical values. I have defined the values for the groups but I don't know how to add that into the code to display the group names. For example gender is 1 and 2 but I want it to say Male and Female. If I do a simple tab gender it displays the labels, but it does not display them in the table produced with your code. It will display variable labels which is nice. Any suggestion on how to add that to your code?
        Hi Danielle - To answer your question re: displaying value labels for categorical values. Simply adapt the code provided by William to include () around the `cv' macro in the section of code defining categorical variable labels.

        foreach c of local c_l{
        local j = `cur_col'
        local ct: label (`cv') `c'
        if "`ct'" == ""{
        local ct `c'

