I am using a survey data to run logit regression, and now I have some interaction terms, all binary terms. I read Norton and Ai's paper that using Inteff to correct coefficients and s.e. of interaction terms in nonlinear model. However I dont think Inteff works under svy prefix and if Inteff works for more than 2 interactions
my problem is that I am using a survey data, so have survey command
svyset psu [pweight=total_wt], strata(stratagrp3)
then i run a logit regression on a female subsample.
dependent variable "eversti3", a binary variable whether a person has been diagnosed STI or not.
independent variables
1) learnmostschool, a binary variable =1 if a person says his primary sexual knowledge is school
2) learnmostpar, another binary variable if a person's primary sex knowledge is from parents (this is mutually exclusive with learnmostschool, and learnmostother is used as base, anyone selects one answer out of these options)
3) bothparents, whether a person grew up with both parents
4) 5) interaction terms: learnmostschool*bothparents and learnmostpar*bothparents
6+) other social factors $X
I want to see how growing up with both parents affect the impact of sex education received from school and parents
so my regression is
svy, subpop(if female): logit eversti3 learnmostschool learnmostpar bothparents learnmostschool*bothparents learnmostpar*bothparents $x
then I want to use Inteff next,
svy, subpop(if female ): inteff eversti3 learnmostschool learnmostpar bothparents learnmostschool*bothparents learnmostpar*bothparents $x
then i got error that
inteff is not supported by svy with vce(linearized); see help svy estimation for a list of Stata estimation commands that are supported by svy
Any suggestion how I can run interactions in a survey data?
Or any suggestion how i can twist my model to deal with heterogeneity is also much appreciated
PS, I am a only master student trying to get my degree..... please don't tell me to code a new command....
Many thanks,
I am using a survey data to run logit regression, and now I have some interaction terms, all binary terms. I read Norton and Ai's paper that using Inteff to correct coefficients and s.e. of interaction terms in nonlinear model. However I dont think Inteff works under svy prefix and if Inteff works for more than 2 interactions
my problem is that I am using a survey data, so have survey command
svyset psu [pweight=total_wt], strata(stratagrp3)
then i run a logit regression on a female subsample.
dependent variable "eversti3", a binary variable whether a person has been diagnosed STI or not.
independent variables
1) learnmostschool, a binary variable =1 if a person says his primary sexual knowledge is school
2) learnmostpar, another binary variable if a person's primary sex knowledge is from parents (this is mutually exclusive with learnmostschool, and learnmostother is used as base, anyone selects one answer out of these options)
3) bothparents, whether a person grew up with both parents
4) 5) interaction terms: learnmostschool*bothparents and learnmostpar*bothparents
6+) other social factors $X
I want to see how growing up with both parents affect the impact of sex education received from school and parents
so my regression is
svy, subpop(if female): logit eversti3 learnmostschool learnmostpar bothparents learnmostschool*bothparents learnmostpar*bothparents $x
then I want to use Inteff next,
svy, subpop(if female ): inteff eversti3 learnmostschool learnmostpar bothparents learnmostschool*bothparents learnmostpar*bothparents $x
then i got error that
inteff is not supported by svy with vce(linearized); see help svy estimation for a list of Stata estimation commands that are supported by svy
Any suggestion how I can run interactions in a survey data?
Or any suggestion how i can twist my model to deal with heterogeneity is also much appreciated
PS, I am a only master student trying to get my degree..... please don't tell me to code a new command....
Many thanks,