Dear Statalistas,
in my regression Growth per capita as percentage of GDP in 2014 is my dependent variable. I have quite some control variables (including log GDP of the previous year, fertility rate, tertiary education, life expectancy, urbanization rate, inflation, population aged <15, population aged +15, ratio of foreign investments to GDP and ratio of government spending to GDP) but my results are not significant. What can I do? I do not have the option to include more observations.
reg Growth Log_GDP_pC_2013 Inflation Foreign_Investments_ofGDP GovernmentSpending_ofGDP Lif
> eExpectancy Education_Tertiary Urbanizationrate Population65 FertilityRate
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 41
-------------+---------------------------------- F(9, 31) = 3.06
Model | 76.4974593 9 8.4997177 Prob > F = 0.0097
Residual | 86.1361336 31 2.77858496 R-squared = 0.4704
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.3166
Total | 162.633593 40 4.06583982 Root MSE = 1.6669
Growth | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
Log_GDP_pC_2013 | .0394968 1.673602 0.02 0.981 -3.373837 3.452831
Inflation | -.1872666 .129307 -1.45 0.158 -.4509899 .0764567
Foreign_Investments_ofGDP | .0412949 .0406959 1.01 0.318 -.041705 .1242949
GovernmentSpending_ofGDP | -.122471 .0886844 -1.38 0.177 -.303344 .0584019
LifeExpectancy | .0001113 .0912691 0.00 0.999 -.1860332 .1862558
Education_Tertiary | -.02221 .0276 -0.80 0.427 -.0785007 .0340807
Urbanizationrate | -.048897 .0289234 -1.69 0.101 -.1078867 .0100926
Population65 | -.0565843 .0557908 -1.01 0.318 -.1703704 .0572018
FertilityRate | -.1037417 .7621697 -0.14 0.893 -1.658197 1.450714
_cons | 9.167969 6.21429 1.48 0.150 -3.50616 21.8421
in my regression Growth per capita as percentage of GDP in 2014 is my dependent variable. I have quite some control variables (including log GDP of the previous year, fertility rate, tertiary education, life expectancy, urbanization rate, inflation, population aged <15, population aged +15, ratio of foreign investments to GDP and ratio of government spending to GDP) but my results are not significant. What can I do? I do not have the option to include more observations.
reg Growth Log_GDP_pC_2013 Inflation Foreign_Investments_ofGDP GovernmentSpending_ofGDP Lif
> eExpectancy Education_Tertiary Urbanizationrate Population65 FertilityRate
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 41
-------------+---------------------------------- F(9, 31) = 3.06
Model | 76.4974593 9 8.4997177 Prob > F = 0.0097
Residual | 86.1361336 31 2.77858496 R-squared = 0.4704
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.3166
Total | 162.633593 40 4.06583982 Root MSE = 1.6669
Growth | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
Log_GDP_pC_2013 | .0394968 1.673602 0.02 0.981 -3.373837 3.452831
Inflation | -.1872666 .129307 -1.45 0.158 -.4509899 .0764567
Foreign_Investments_ofGDP | .0412949 .0406959 1.01 0.318 -.041705 .1242949
GovernmentSpending_ofGDP | -.122471 .0886844 -1.38 0.177 -.303344 .0584019
LifeExpectancy | .0001113 .0912691 0.00 0.999 -.1860332 .1862558
Education_Tertiary | -.02221 .0276 -0.80 0.427 -.0785007 .0340807
Urbanizationrate | -.048897 .0289234 -1.69 0.101 -.1078867 .0100926
Population65 | -.0565843 .0557908 -1.01 0.318 -.1703704 .0572018
FertilityRate | -.1037417 .7621697 -0.14 0.893 -1.658197 1.450714
_cons | 9.167969 6.21429 1.48 0.150 -3.50616 21.8421