wordconvert makes it easy to transfer files from rtf to docx. It also permits document files to be transferred between several different types in Windows. It is now available on SSC, with thanks to Kit Baum.
We normally report regression tables with esttab, which can produce regression results to an RTF file.
New features like putdocx in Stata 15 allows more flexible output to MS Word, it allows us to design the State of Art tables, but we cannot use esttab to report regression results directly to DOCX files. The wordconvert allows you to firstly report regression tables to an RFT, then transfer it into a DOCX. Then you can use putdocx to append this DOCX file to the DOCX files you designed with putdocx. For detail, please install and go to the help.
We normally report regression tables with esttab, which can produce regression results to an RTF file.
New features like putdocx in Stata 15 allows more flexible output to MS Word, it allows us to design the State of Art tables, but we cannot use esttab to report regression results directly to DOCX files. The wordconvert allows you to firstly report regression tables to an RFT, then transfer it into a DOCX. Then you can use putdocx to append this DOCX file to the DOCX files you designed with putdocx. For detail, please install and go to the help.