Hi Stata listers,
I am estimating the following model using Instrumental Variables:
Y = B0 + B1D + B2X + U, where D is an endogenous dummy variable.
In order to avoid the forbidden regression, I'm following Wooldridge (2002):
1. Estimate D = A0 + A1Z + A2X + V using a probit model, and calculate the fitted value, Dhat.
2. Estimate the main equation by IV using Dhat as instrument.
My question is: should I include in step 2 the instrument Z or should I only use Dhat as instrument (together with X as instrument of itself)?
Many thanks for your help.
I am estimating the following model using Instrumental Variables:
Y = B0 + B1D + B2X + U, where D is an endogenous dummy variable.
In order to avoid the forbidden regression, I'm following Wooldridge (2002):
1. Estimate D = A0 + A1Z + A2X + V using a probit model, and calculate the fitted value, Dhat.
2. Estimate the main equation by IV using Dhat as instrument.
My question is: should I include in step 2 the instrument Z or should I only use Dhat as instrument (together with X as instrument of itself)?
Many thanks for your help.