FYI, I get really confused when I have multiple Stata windows. I too would like an easy way to keep the windows straight.
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levelsof x, s(",") local(foo) keep if inlist(y, `foo')
* ssc install ftools sysuse auto levelsof make local_inlist make `r(levels)' di `"`inlist'"' cou if `inlist'
search markstat
* ssc install ftools sysuse auto levelsof make local_inlist make `r(levels)' di `"`inlist'"' cou if `inlist'
collapse (mean) DL_* (count) used_* = DL_* [iweight = weightvar], by(month)
1: 10.23 / 1 = 10.2340 // gtools 2: 34.05 / 1 = 34.0460 // ftools 3: 52.70 / 1 = 52.7020 // collapse
webuse gsem_lca1 gsem (accident play insurance stock <- ), logit lclass(C 2) scalar SSBIC_class_2 = -2 * e(ll) + e(rank) * ln((e(N)+2) / 24) di SSBIC_class_2