Dear Statalisters,
I have just posted my program table1_mc on SSC (requires version 14.2). This program is essentially an extension of Phil Clayton’s table1 command.
. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)
. generate much_headroom = (headroom>3)
. table1_mc, by(foreign) vars(price conts \ price contln %5.0f %4.2f \ weight contn %5.0f \ rep78 cate \ much_headroom bine)
| Level Domestic Foreign p-value |
| N=52 N=22 |
| Price 4,782.5 (4,184-6,234) 5,759 (4,499-7,140) 0.30 |
| Price 5534 (×/1.50) 5959 (×/1.44) 0.46 |
| Weight (lbs.) 3317 (695) 2316 (433) <0.001 |
| Repair Record 1978 1 2 ( 4%) 0 ( 0%) <0.001 |
| 2 8 (17%) 0 ( 0%) |
| 3 27 (56%) 3 (14%) |
| 4 9 (19%) 9 (43%) |
| 5 2 ( 4%) 9 (43%) |
| much_headroom 28 (54%) 2 ( 9%) <0.001 |
Data are presented as mean (SD) or geometric mean (×/GSD) or median (IQR) for continuous measures, and frequency (percentage) for categorical measures.
Feedback welcome.
Best wishes, Mark
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