I have the following doubts with regard to dynamic panel estimation.
1. As per my understanding, a 'predetermined explanatory variable' is one whose current value is influenced by lag of the error term (effectively, the lag of the dependent variable). Is this understanding correct?
2. For a predetermined variable, when we use 'model(fodev)' option, we can start the lag length from 0 i.e. lag(0 X). However, is it necessary that we start the lag length from 0 only for predetermined variables. Can we start it from 1 or 2 or 3 and so on?
3. Can I just ensure reliability of instruments using overall Sargan-Hansen test without paying too much attention to difference-in-Hansen tests?
4. In some cases, the 2-step weighting matrix Sargan-Hansen validates reliability of instruments but 3-step weighting matrix Sargan-Hansen does not. Can the results be still considered valid?
5. If I mention the lag length criteria for an instrument as lag(0 0), what does it imply? I suppose this is the default setting in iv() style instruments.
6. If AR(2) and overall Sargan-Hansen tests are satisfied but the number of instruments is marginally below the number of groups, can the model be considered reliable?
7. Supposing model results are fine and Sargan-Hansen test also validates reliability of instruments, but AR(2) is not satisfied, what options can be tried to ensure AR(2) is satisfied?
8. I understand that when we specify variables in iv() or gmmiv() with model(level) option, it means that we assuming the concerned variables to be exogenous. However, since this implies a strong assumption that these variables are uncorrelated with any of the omitted variables including fixed effects, I wonder whether we have any exogenous variable in a real setting. This is because there shall always be a possibility of an explanatory variable being correlated with some omitted variable(s). In light of this, should we always avoid considering a variable to be exogenous to be on a safer side?
Thanks in anticipation!
I have the following doubts with regard to dynamic panel estimation.
1. As per my understanding, a 'predetermined explanatory variable' is one whose current value is influenced by lag of the error term (effectively, the lag of the dependent variable). Is this understanding correct?
2. For a predetermined variable, when we use 'model(fodev)' option, we can start the lag length from 0 i.e. lag(0 X). However, is it necessary that we start the lag length from 0 only for predetermined variables. Can we start it from 1 or 2 or 3 and so on?
3. Can I just ensure reliability of instruments using overall Sargan-Hansen test without paying too much attention to difference-in-Hansen tests?
4. In some cases, the 2-step weighting matrix Sargan-Hansen validates reliability of instruments but 3-step weighting matrix Sargan-Hansen does not. Can the results be still considered valid?
5. If I mention the lag length criteria for an instrument as lag(0 0), what does it imply? I suppose this is the default setting in iv() style instruments.
6. If AR(2) and overall Sargan-Hansen tests are satisfied but the number of instruments is marginally below the number of groups, can the model be considered reliable?
7. Supposing model results are fine and Sargan-Hansen test also validates reliability of instruments, but AR(2) is not satisfied, what options can be tried to ensure AR(2) is satisfied?
8. I understand that when we specify variables in iv() or gmmiv() with model(level) option, it means that we assuming the concerned variables to be exogenous. However, since this implies a strong assumption that these variables are uncorrelated with any of the omitted variables including fixed effects, I wonder whether we have any exogenous variable in a real setting. This is because there shall always be a possibility of an explanatory variable being correlated with some omitted variable(s). In light of this, should we always avoid considering a variable to be exogenous to be on a safer side?
Thanks in anticipation!