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  • It is correct that xtdpdgmm does not do anything to specifically address cross-sectional dependence. Time dummies can account for cross-sectional dependence due to common shocks assuming homogeneity of the effects of these shocks across units. Any other variables that are constant across units but vary over time become redundant in the presence of time dummies, unless you create interaction terms of these common-shock variables with variables that vary across units. The latter could be away to approximate heterogenous effects of common shocks conditional on observed variables. Obviously, all of this is more restrictive than other approaches for large-N, large-T panel models with common factors / interactive fixed effects, but xtdpdgmm is primarily intended for small-T data.


    • Thank you for your quick reply. I havent think of using an interaction term. That was an enlightening advice.


      • Hello,why the serial correlation test and the overidentificaton test are easy to pass, while the underidentification test is difficult to pass? What are main possible resons?


        • Originally posted by Lin Liu View Post
          Hello,why the serial correlation test and the overidentificaton test are easy to pass, while the underidentification test is difficult to pass? What are main possible resons?
          Notice that for the underidentification test the null hypothesis is that the model is indeed underidentified. Therefore, you actually want to reject the null hypothesis.
          For the overidentification test, the null hypothesis is that the model is correctly specified. Therefore, here you do not want to reject the null hypothesis.

          If the model is underidentified, then the overidentification tests may not be very reliable because they rely on the maintained assumption that there are at least as many valid instruments available as is needed to identify all coefficients.


          • Thanks. I have some other doubts. Among the serial correlation test, overidentification test, incremental overidentification test, and underidentification test, the former three tests are very easy to pass, however, the underidentification test is very difficult to (even always not)pass,why? What's more,changing the order of the lag of the instruments will lead to largely vary in the underidentification test, but not vary in the former three tests,why?


            • To provide further help, I would need to see your command lines and Stata output (with CODE delimiters) following the advice in the Statalist FAQs?


              • the code is:
                xtdpdgmm L(0/1).slackz munificence complex dynamics area L(0/1).logasset L(0/1).roa agef edu tenure sex agee L(0/1).offideputy offideputy#c.dynamics l.offdepdyn, model(fod) collapse gmm(slackz, lag(1 2)) gmm(munificence, lag(0 1)) gmm(complex, lag(0 1)) gmm(dynamics, lag(0 1)) gmm(area, lag(0 0)) gmm(logasset, lag(1 2)) gmm(roa, lag(1 2)) gmm(agef, lag(0 1)) gmm(edu, lag(0 1)) gmm(sex, lag(0 1) ) gmm (tenure, lag(0 2)) gmm(agee, lag(0 2)) gmm(offideputy, lag(1 2)) gmm(offideputy#c.dynamics, lag(1 2)) gmm(l.offdepdyn, lag(1 2)) gmm(area, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm(edu, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm(tenure, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm( sex, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm(agee, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm(slackz, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm(munificence, lag(0 0) diff model(level)) gmm(complex, lag(0 0) diff model(level)) gmm(dynamics, lag(0 0) diff model(level)) gmm(area, lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm( logasset, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm( roa, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm( agef, lag(0 0) diff model(level)) gmm(edu, lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm(tenure, lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm(sex, lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm(agee , lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm(offideputy, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm(offideputy#c.dynamics, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm(l.offdepdyn, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) teffects two vce(r) overid

                . xtdpdgmm L(0/1).slackz munificence complex dynamics area L(0/1).logasset L(0/1).roa agef edu tenure sex agee L(0/1).offideputy off
                > ideputy#c.dynamics l.offdepdyn, model(fod) collapse gmm(slackz, lag(1 2)) gmm(munificence, lag(0 1)) gmm(complex, lag(0 1)) gmm(dynamics,
                > lag(0 1)) gmm(area, lag(0 0)) gmm(logasset, lag(1 2)) gmm(roa, lag(1 2)) gmm(agef, lag(0 1)) gmm(edu, lag(0 0)) gmm(sex, lag(0 0) ) gmm
                > (tenure, lag(0 1)) gmm(agee, lag(0 0)) gmm(offideputy, lag(1 2)) gmm(offideputy#c.dynamics, lag(1 2)) gmm(l.offdepdyn, lag(1 2)) gmm(ar
                > ea, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm(edu, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm( sex, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm(agee, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm(slackz, lag(1 1) di
                > ff model(level)) gmm(munificence, lag(0 0) diff model(level)) gmm(complex, lag(0 0) diff model(level)) gmm(dynamics, lag(0 0) diff model(
                > level)) gmm(area, lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm( logasset, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm( roa, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm( agef, lag(0
                > 0) diff model(level)) gmm(edu, lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm(tenure, lag(0 0) diff model(level)) gmm(sex, lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm(ag
                > ee , lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm(offideputy, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm(offideputy#c.dynamics, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm(l.offde
                > pdyn, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) teffects two vce(r) overid

                Generalized method of moments estimation

                Fitting full model:
                Step 1 f(b) = .14108884
                Step 2 f(b) = .07800247

                Fitting reduced model 1:
                Step 1 f(b) = .06931099

                Fitting reduced model 2:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07393068

                Fitting reduced model 3:
                Step 1 f(b) = .06310125

                Fitting reduced model 4:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07321926

                Fitting reduced model 5:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07270806

                Fitting reduced model 6:
                Step 1 f(b) = .06987237

                Fitting reduced model 7:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07568086

                Fitting reduced model 8:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07403718

                Fitting reduced model 9:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07687095

                Fitting reduced model 10:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07797594

                Fitting reduced model 11:
                Step 1 f(b) = .0760236

                Fitting reduced model 12:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07650024

                Fitting reduced model 13:
                Step 1 f(b) = .06386569

                Fitting reduced model 14:
                Step 1 f(b) = .05940402

                Fitting reduced model 15:
                Step 1 f(b) = .05835987

                Fitting reduced model 17:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07747363

                Fitting reduced model 18:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07689592

                Fitting reduced model 19:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07786843

                Fitting reduced model 20:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07700053

                Fitting reduced model 21:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07756442

                Fitting reduced model 22:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07768246

                Fitting reduced model 23:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07510029

                Fitting reduced model 24:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07269038

                Fitting reduced model 25:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07419723

                Fitting reduced model 26:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07622391

                Fitting reduced model 27:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07449154

                Fitting reduced model 28:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07772974

                Fitting reduced model 29:
                Step 1 f(b) = .0779348

                Fitting reduced model 30:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07758183

                Fitting reduced model 31:
                Step 1 f(b) = .0778276

                Fitting reduced model 32:
                Step 1 f(b) = .07638032

                Fitting reduced model 33:
                Step 1 f(b) = .0748598

                Fitting reduced model 34:
                Step 1 f(b) = .06906946

                Fitting reduced model 35:
                Step 1 f(b) = .03915434

                Fitting no-fodev model:
                Step 1 f(b) = .00366136

                Fitting no-mdev model:
                Step 1 f(b) = .06417413

                Fitting no-level model:
                Step 1 f(b) = .0051203

                Group variable: code Number of obs = 1142
                Time variable: year Number of groups = 257

                Moment conditions: linear = 53 Obs per group: min = 1
                nonlinear = 0 avg = 4.44358
                total = 53 max = 8

                (Std. Err. adjusted for 257 clusters in code)
                | WC-Robust
                slackz | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
                slackz |
                L1. | .6218488 .1162067 5.35 0.000 .3940878 .8496098
                munificence | -.5325147 .7724321 -0.69 0.491 -2.046454 .9814244
                complex | -.0403757 .0504071 -0.80 0.423 -.1391718 .0584204
                dynamics | 40.72416 82.48774 0.49 0.622 -120.9488 202.3972
                area | -.0198439 .2075736 -0.10 0.924 -.4266807 .3869929
                logasset |
                --. | 7.187291 2.761494 2.60 0.009 1.774863 12.59972
                L1. | -8.387227 2.801426 -2.99 0.003 -13.87792 -2.896532
                roa |
                --. | -12.11013 6.602533 -1.83 0.067 -25.05085 .8306018
                L1. | 6.410398 3.543641 1.81 0.070 -.5350101 13.35581
                agef | .0583749 .071612 0.82 0.415 -.081982 .1987318
                edu | -.0153277 .0769506 -0.20 0.842 -.166148 .1354927
                tenure | .0047294 .0374123 0.13 0.899 -.0685974 .0780563
                sex | .1996495 .5115984 0.39 0.696 -.8030648 1.202364
                agee | .0017578 .0117589 0.15 0.881 -.0212892 .0248048
                offideputy |
                --. | 2.883827 3.854386 0.75 0.454 -4.670631 10.43828
                L1. | -2.295162 4.993454 -0.46 0.646 -12.08215 7.491829
                offideputy#c.dynamics |
                1 | -4.082514 195.2103 -0.02 0.983 -386.6876 378.5226
                offdepdyn |
                L1. | -108.3813 231.286 -0.47 0.639 -561.6936 344.931
                year |
                2005 | .3675995 .2461982 1.49 0.135 -.11494 .8501391
                2006 | .3671839 .2881837 1.27 0.203 -.1976459 .9320137
                2007 | .3655254 .3181113 1.15 0.251 -.2579614 .9890121
                2008 | .8464342 .3709715 2.28 0.023 .1193434 1.573525
                2009 | .6938291 .3699682 1.88 0.061 -.0312953 1.418953
                2010 | .9986676 .3978988 2.51 0.012 .2188003 1.778535
                2011 | .8558787 .4232351 2.02 0.043 .0263531 1.685404
                _cons | 8.629229 3.865083 2.23 0.026 1.053805 16.20465
                Instruments corresponding to the linear moment conditions:
                1, model(fodev):
                L1.slackz L2.slackz
                2, model(fodev):
                munificence L1.munificence
                3, model(fodev):
                complex L1.complex
                4, model(fodev):
                dynamics L1.dynamics
                5, model(fodev):
                6, model(fodev):
                L1.logasset L2.logasset
                7, model(fodev):
                L1.roa L2.roa
                8, model(fodev):
                9, model(fodev):
                10, model(fodev):
                11, model(fodev):
                tenure L1.tenure
                12, model(fodev):
                13, model(fodev):
                L1.offideputy L2.offideputy
                14, model(fodev):
                L2.0b.offideputy#c.dynamics L1.1.offideputy#c.dynamics
                15, model(fodev):
                L1.L.offdepdyn L2.L.offdepdyn
                17, model(mdev):
                18, model(mdev):
                19, model(mdev):
                20, model(level):
                21, model(level):
                22, model(level):
                23, model(level):
                24, model(level):
                25, model(level):
                26, model(level):
                27, model(level):
                28, model(level):
                29, model(level):
                30, model(level):
                31, model(level):
                32, model(level):
                33, model(level):
                L1.D.0b.offideputy#c.dynamics L1.D.1.offideputy#c.dynamics
                34, model(level):
                35, model(level):
                2005bn.year 2006.year 2007.year 2008.year 2009.year 2010.year 2011.year
                36, model(level):

                . estat serial, ar(1/3)

                Arellano-Bond test for autocorrelation of the first-differenced residuals
                H0: no autocorrelation of order 1: z = -2.8390 Prob > |z| = 0.0045
                H0: no autocorrelation of order 2: z = -0.5382 Prob > |z| = 0.5905
                H0: no autocorrelation of order 3: z = 0.4724 Prob > |z| = 0.6366

                . estat overid

                Sargan-Hansen test of the overidentifying restrictions
                H0: overidentifying restrictions are valid

                2-step moment functions, 2-step weighting matrix chi2(27) = 20.0466
                Prob > chi2 = 0.8288

                2-step moment functions, 3-step weighting matrix chi2(27) = 32.1757
                Prob > chi2 = 0.2256

                . estat overid, difference

                Sargan-Hansen (difference) test of the overidentifying restrictions
                H0: (additional) overidentifying restrictions are valid

                2-step weighting matrix from full model

                | Excluding | Difference
                Moment conditions | chi2 df p | chi2 df p
                1, model(fodev) | 17.8129 25 0.8502 | 2.2337 2 0.3273
                2, model(fodev) | 19.0002 25 0.7971 | 1.0464 2 0.5926
                3, model(fodev) | 16.2170 25 0.9082 | 3.8296 2 0.1474
                4, model(fodev) | 18.8173 25 0.8058 | 1.2293 2 0.5408
                5, model(fodev) | 18.6860 26 0.8494 | 1.3607 1 0.2434
                6, model(fodev) | 17.9572 25 0.8442 | 2.0894 2 0.3518
                7, model(fodev) | 19.4500 25 0.7750 | 0.5967 2 0.7421
                8, model(fodev) | 19.0276 26 0.8353 | 1.0191 1 0.3127
                9, model(fodev) | 19.7558 26 0.8030 | 0.2908 1 0.5897
                10, model(fodev) | 20.0398 26 0.7897 | 0.0068 1 0.9342
                11, model(fodev) | 19.5381 25 0.7706 | 0.5086 2 0.7755
                12, model(fodev) | 19.6606 26 0.8074 | 0.3861 1 0.5344
                13, model(fodev) | 16.4135 25 0.9020 | 3.6332 2 0.1626
                14, model(fodev) | 15.2668 24 0.9127 | 4.7798 3 0.1886
                15, model(fodev) | 14.9985 25 0.9414 | 5.0481 2 0.0801
                17, model(mdev) | 19.9107 26 0.7958 | 0.1359 1 0.7124
                18, model(mdev) | 19.7623 26 0.8027 | 0.2844 1 0.5938
                19, model(mdev) | 20.0122 26 0.7910 | 0.0344 1 0.8528
                20, model(level) | 19.7891 26 0.8014 | 0.2575 1 0.6118
                21, model(level) | 19.9341 26 0.7947 | 0.1126 1 0.7372
                22, model(level) | 19.9644 26 0.7932 | 0.0822 1 0.7743
                23, model(level) | 19.3008 26 0.8235 | 0.7459 1 0.3878
                24, model(level) | 18.6814 26 0.8496 | 1.3652 1 0.2426
                25, model(level) | 19.0687 26 0.8335 | 0.9779 1 0.3227
                26, model(level) | 19.5895 26 0.8106 | 0.4571 1 0.4990
                27, model(level) | 19.1443 26 0.8303 | 0.9023 1 0.3422
                28, model(level) | 19.9765 26 0.7927 | 0.0701 1 0.7912
                29, model(level) | 20.0292 26 0.7902 | 0.0174 1 0.8951
                30, model(level) | 19.9385 26 0.7945 | 0.1081 1 0.7423
                31, model(level) | 20.0017 26 0.7915 | 0.0449 1 0.8321
                32, model(level) | 19.6297 26 0.8088 | 0.4169 1 0.5185
                33, model(level) | 19.2390 25 0.7855 | 0.8077 2 0.6678
                34, model(level) | 17.7509 26 0.8846 | 2.2958 1 0.1297
                35, model(level) | 10.0627 20 0.9670 | 9.9840 7 0.1895
                model(fodev) | 0.9410 1 0.3320 | 19.1057 26 0.8319
                model(mdev) | 16.4928 24 0.8695 | 3.5539 3 0.3138
                model(level) | 1.3159 4 0.8587 | 18.7307 23 0.7167

                . underid, overid underid kp sw noreport

                collinearity check...
                collinearities detected in [Y X] (right to left): 0o.offideputy#co.dynamics
                collinearities detected in [Y X Z] (right to left): __alliv_52 __alliv_51 __alliv_50 __alliv_49 __alliv_48 __alliv_47 __alliv_46 __alliv_41
                > __alliv_40 __alliv_38 __alliv_34 0o.offideputy#co.dynamics
                collinearities detected in [X Z Y] (right to left): 2011.year 2010.year 2009.year 2008.year 2007.year 2006.year 2005bn.year 0o.offideputy#co
                > .dynamics agee sex edu area
                warning: collinearities detected, reparameterization may be advisable

                Overidentification test: Kleibergen-Paap robust LIML-based (LM version)
                Test statistic robust to heteroskedasticity and clustering on code
                j= 16.32 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.9283

                Underidentification test: Kleibergen-Paap robust LIML-based (LM version)
                Test statistic robust to heteroskedasticity and clustering on code
                j= 34.95 Chi-sq( 27) p-value=0.1400

                what's wrong with it? Another question: when the lag of one categorical variable times the lag of another continuous varible, the code is l.x#cl.z(x is categorial, z is continuous), the outcome has two lines of results, line 0 and line 1. What's the meaning? How do I specify the lag of one categorical variable times the lag of another continuous variable?


                • The underid command with option sw should normally provide you detailed underidentification statistics separately for each regressor. Did you not get those additional statistics? These might tell you for which coefficient there could be an identification problem. Everything else looks good.

                  Regarding your interaction effect, I believe the categorical variable can take on values 0 or 1, which is why you see separate coefficients. Effectively, you are estimating separate effects for the regressor z when x=0 and when x=1. Your lag specification seems to be alright.

                  Notice that your example made me aware of a bug in xtdpdgmm that could occur when interaction effects are specified in the list of instruments. I just fixed this bug in a new version that is now available on my personal website. I will make a separate accouncement once it is available on SSC as well.


                  • From a programmer's perspective, factor variables and interaction terms are some of the nastiest animals in the Stata universe. They always find a way to escape your carefully designed algorithms. So it happened again with xtdpdgmm. There was unfortunately an annoying bug that could result in incorrect estimates when interaction terms were specified as instruments. I hopefully now managed to tame these animals once and for all with the latest bug fix.

                    Version 2.3.1 is now available on my personal website and on SSC (with the usual thanks to Kit Baum).
                    adoupdate xtdpdgmm, update


                    • After you fixed the interaction term bug, the code is the same as the above, but the results are very different.

                      . xtdpdgmm L(0/1).slackz munificence complex dynamics area L(0/1).logasset L(0/1).roa agef edu tenure sex agee L(0/1).offideputy off
                      > ideputy#c.dynamics l.offdepdyn, model(fod) collapse gmm(slackz, lag(1 2)) gmm(munificence, lag(0 1)) gmm(complex, lag(0 1)) gmm(dynamics,
                      > lag(0 1)) gmm(area, lag(0 0)) gmm(logasset, lag(1 2)) gmm(roa, lag(1 2)) gmm(agef, lag(0 1)) gmm(edu, lag(0 0)) gmm(sex, lag(0 0) ) gmm
                      > (tenure, lag(0 1)) gmm(agee, lag(0 0)) gmm(offideputy, lag(1 2)) gmm(offideputy#c.dynamics, lag(1 2)) gmm(l.offdepdyn, lag(1 2)) gmm(ar
                      > ea, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm(edu, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm( sex, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm(agee, lag(0 0) model(md)) gmm(slackz, lag(1 1) di
                      > ff model(level)) gmm(munificence, lag(0 0) diff model(level)) gmm(complex, lag(0 0) diff model(level)) gmm(dynamics, lag(0 0) diff model(
                      > level)) gmm(area, lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm( logasset, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm( roa, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm( agef, lag(0
                      > 0) diff model(level)) gmm(edu, lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm(tenure, lag(0 0) diff model(level)) gmm(sex, lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm(ag
                      > ee , lag(0 0) model(level)) gmm(offideputy, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm(offideputy#c.dynamics, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) gmm(l.offde
                      > pdyn, lag(1 1) diff model(level)) teffects two vce(r) overid

                      Generalized method of moments estimation

                      Fitting full model:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .1478547
                      Step 2 f(b) = .08858372

                      Fitting reduced model 1:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .07959146

                      Fitting reduced model 2:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08288294

                      Fitting reduced model 3:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .06616146

                      Fitting reduced model 4:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .07903324

                      Fitting reduced model 5:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08290025

                      Fitting reduced model 6:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08119472

                      Fitting reduced model 7:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08481893

                      Fitting reduced model 8:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08344108

                      Fitting reduced model 9:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08596838

                      Fitting reduced model 10:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08845637

                      Fitting reduced model 11:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08755818

                      Fitting reduced model 12:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08686272

                      Fitting reduced model 13:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .0616538

                      Fitting reduced model 14:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .05377071

                      Fitting reduced model 15:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .07578047

                      Fitting reduced model 17:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08522976

                      Fitting reduced model 18:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08837233

                      Fitting reduced model 19:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08831736

                      Fitting reduced model 20:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08690937

                      Fitting reduced model 21:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08840091

                      Fitting reduced model 22:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08839514

                      Fitting reduced model 23:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08461019

                      Fitting reduced model 24:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .07909719

                      Fitting reduced model 25:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08036437

                      Fitting reduced model 26:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08538299

                      Fitting reduced model 27:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08597612

                      Fitting reduced model 28:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08441558

                      Fitting reduced model 29:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08858137

                      Fitting reduced model 30:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08845756

                      Fitting reduced model 31:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08782259

                      Fitting reduced model 32:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08478439

                      Fitting reduced model 33:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08518175

                      Fitting reduced model 34:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .08184376

                      Fitting reduced model 35:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .03041028

                      Fitting no-fodev model:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .00205029

                      Fitting no-mdev model:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .06910487

                      Fitting no-level model:
                      Step 1 f(b) = .00290704

                      Group variable: code Number of obs = 1142
                      Time variable: year Number of groups = 257

                      Moment conditions: linear = 52 Obs per group: min = 1
                      nonlinear = 0 avg = 4.44358
                      total = 52 max = 8

                      (Std. Err. adjusted for 257 clusters in code)
                      | WC-Robust
                      slackz | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
                      slackz |
                      L1. | .6368078 .1193084 5.34 0.000 .4029676 .870648
                      munificence | -.662565 .78593 -0.84 0.399 -2.202959 .8778295
                      complex | -.0397233 .051535 -0.77 0.441 -.1407301 .0612835
                      dynamics | 42.29624 78.94277 0.54 0.592 -112.4287 197.0212
                      area | -.0145929 .1966068 -0.07 0.941 -.3999352 .3707494
                      logasset |
                      --. | 6.389995 3.03789 2.10 0.035 .4358389 12.34415
                      L1. | -7.461377 3.150692 -2.37 0.018 -13.63662 -1.286134
                      roa |
                      --. | -10.47766 5.867424 -1.79 0.074 -21.9776 1.022282
                      L1. | 5.698477 3.432466 1.66 0.097 -1.029033 12.42599
                      agef | .0420754 .0928689 0.45 0.651 -.1399443 .2240951
                      edu | -.0299814 .0794425 -0.38 0.706 -.1856859 .1257231
                      tenure | .0034255 .0496194 0.07 0.945 -.0938267 .1006777
                      sex | .3800276 .4998849 0.76 0.447 -.5997288 1.359784
                      agee | .0020611 .0118086 0.17 0.861 -.0210832 .0252054
                      offideputy |
                      --. | 1.167884 3.243949 0.36 0.719 -5.190138 7.525906
                      L1. | -1.071466 4.479092 -0.24 0.811 -9.850325 7.707393
                      offideputy#c.dynamics |
                      1 | 15.51207 178.1701 0.09 0.931 -333.6949 364.719
                      offdepdyn |
                      L1. | -94.22112 231.9872 -0.41 0.685 -548.9076 360.4654
                      year |
                      2005 | .4139393 .2505291 1.65 0.098 -.0770886 .9049672
                      2006 | .4621536 .2813397 1.64 0.100 -.0892621 1.013569
                      2007 | .4226051 .3122018 1.35 0.176 -.1892992 1.034509
                      2008 | .8698897 .4164206 2.09 0.037 .0537203 1.686059
                      2009 | .6991356 .3981517 1.76 0.079 -.0812274 1.479499
                      2010 | 1.047527 .4302469 2.43 0.015 .2042586 1.890795
                      2011 | .8706683 .4820771 1.81 0.071 -.0741855 1.815522
                      _cons | 7.557025 4.05535 1.86 0.062 -.3913147 15.50536
                      Instruments corresponding to the linear moment conditions:
                      1, model(fodev):
                      L1.slackz L2.slackz
                      2, model(fodev):
                      munificence L1.munificence
                      3, model(fodev):
                      complex L1.complex
                      4, model(fodev):
                      5, model(fodev):
                      6, model(fodev):
                      L1.logasset L2.logasset
                      7, model(fodev):
                      L1.roa L2.roa
                      8, model(fodev):
                      9, model(fodev):
                      10, model(fodev):
                      11, model(fodev):
                      tenure L1.tenure
                      12, model(fodev):
                      13, model(fodev):
                      L1.offideputy L2.offideputy
                      14, model(fodev):
                      L1.(0b.offideputy#c.dynamics) L2.(0b.offideputy#c.dynamics)
                      L1.(1.offideputy#c.dynamics) L2.(1.offideputy#c.dynamics)
                      15, model(fodev):
                      17, model(mdev):
                      18, model(mdev):
                      19, model(mdev):
                      20, model(level):
                      21, model(level):
                      22, model(level):
                      23, model(level):
                      24, model(level):
                      25, model(level):
                      26, model(level):
                      27, model(level):
                      28, model(level):
                      29, model(level):
                      30, model(level):
                      31, model(level):
                      32, model(level):
                      33, model(level):
                      L1.D.(0b.offideputy#c.dynamics) L1.D.(1.offideputy#c.dynamics)
                      34, model(level):
                      35, model(level):
                      2005bn.year 2006.year 2007.year 2008.year 2009.year 2010.year 2011.year
                      36, model(level):

                      . estat serial, ar(1/3)

                      Arellano-Bond test for autocorrelation of the first-differenced residuals
                      H0: no autocorrelation of order 1: z = -2.6878 Prob > |z| = 0.0072
                      H0: no autocorrelation of order 2: z = -0.7629 Prob > |z| = 0.4455
                      H0: no autocorrelation of order 3: z = 0.7649 Prob > |z| = 0.4444

                      . estat overid

                      Sargan-Hansen test of the overidentifying restrictions
                      H0: overidentifying restrictions are valid

                      2-step moment functions, 2-step weighting matrix chi2(26) = 22.7660
                      Prob > chi2 = 0.6461

                      2-step moment functions, 3-step weighting matrix chi2(26) = 25.7361
                      Prob > chi2 = 0.4777

                      . estat overid, difference

                      Sargan-Hansen (difference) test of the overidentifying restrictions
                      H0: (additional) overidentifying restrictions are valid

                      2-step weighting matrix from full model

                      | Excluding | Difference
                      Moment conditions | chi2 df p | chi2 df p
                      1, model(fodev) | 20.4550 24 0.6706 | 2.3110 2 0.3149
                      2, model(fodev) | 21.3009 24 0.6209 | 1.4651 2 0.4807
                      3, model(fodev) | 17.0035 24 0.8485 | 5.7625 2 0.0561
                      4, model(fodev) | 20.3115 25 0.7303 | 2.4545 1 0.1172
                      5, model(fodev) | 21.3054 25 0.6755 | 1.4607 1 0.2268
                      6, model(fodev) | 20.8670 24 0.6466 | 1.8990 2 0.3869
                      7, model(fodev) | 21.7985 24 0.5913 | 0.9676 2 0.6165
                      8, model(fodev) | 21.4444 25 0.6676 | 1.3217 1 0.2503
                      9, model(fodev) | 22.0939 25 0.6303 | 0.6721 1 0.4123
                      10, model(fodev) | 22.7333 25 0.5931 | 0.0327 1 0.8564
                      11, model(fodev) | 22.5025 24 0.5493 | 0.2636 2 0.8765
                      12, model(fodev) | 22.3237 25 0.6170 | 0.4423 1 0.5060
                      13, model(fodev) | 15.8450 24 0.8936 | 6.9210 2 0.0314
                      14, model(fodev) | 13.8191 22 0.9078 | 8.9469 4 0.0624
                      15, model(fodev) | 19.4756 25 0.7738 | 3.2904 1 0.0697
                      17, model(mdev) | 21.9040 25 0.6413 | 0.8620 1 0.3532
                      18, model(mdev) | 22.7117 25 0.5944 | 0.0543 1 0.8157
                      19, model(mdev) | 22.6976 25 0.5952 | 0.0685 1 0.7936
                      20, model(level) | 22.3357 25 0.6163 | 0.4303 1 0.5118
                      21, model(level) | 22.7190 25 0.5940 | 0.0470 1 0.8284
                      22, model(level) | 22.7176 25 0.5941 | 0.0485 1 0.8258
                      23, model(level) | 21.7448 25 0.6504 | 1.0212 1 0.3122
                      24, model(level) | 20.3280 25 0.7294 | 2.4380 1 0.1184
                      25, model(level) | 20.6536 25 0.7118 | 2.1124 1 0.1461
                      26, model(level) | 21.9434 25 0.6390 | 0.8226 1 0.3644
                      27, model(level) | 22.0959 25 0.6302 | 0.6702 1 0.4130
                      28, model(level) | 21.6948 25 0.6533 | 1.0712 1 0.3007
                      29, model(level) | 22.7654 25 0.5913 | 0.0006 1 0.9804
                      30, model(level) | 22.7336 25 0.5931 | 0.0324 1 0.8571
                      31, model(level) | 22.5704 25 0.6026 | 0.1956 1 0.6583
                      32, model(level) | 21.7896 25 0.6479 | 0.9764 1 0.3231
                      33, model(level) | 21.8917 24 0.5857 | 0.8743 2 0.6459
                      34, model(level) | 21.0338 25 0.6907 | 1.7322 1 0.1881
                      35, model(level) | 7.8154 19 0.9884 | 14.9506 7 0.0366
                      model(fodev) | 0.5269 1 0.4679 | 22.2391 25 0.6219
                      model(mdev) | 17.7600 23 0.7704 | 5.0061 3 0.1714
                      model(level) | 0.7471 3 0.8621 | 22.0189 23 0.5191

                      . underid, overid underid kp sw noreport

                      collinearity check...
                      collinearities detected in [Y X] (right to left): 0o.offideputy#co.dynamics
                      collinearities detected in [Y X Z] (right to left): __alliv_51 __alliv_50 __alliv_49 __alliv_48 __alliv_47 __alliv_46 __alliv_45 __alliv_40
                      > __alliv_39 __alliv_37 __alliv_33 0o.offideputy#co.dynamics
                      collinearities detected in [X Z Y] (right to left): 2011.year 2010.year 2009.year 2008.year 2007.year 2006.year 2005bn.year 0o.offideputy#co
                      > .dynamics agee sex edu area
                      warning: collinearities detected, reparameterization may be advisable

                      Overidentification test: Kleibergen-Paap robust LIML-based (LM version)
                      Test statistic robust to heteroskedasticity and clustering on code
                      j= 19.93 Chi-sq( 25) p-value=0.7506

                      Underidentification test: Kleibergen-Paap robust LIML-based (LM version)
                      Test statistic robust to heteroskedasticity and clustering on code
                      j= 20.84 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.7501

                      2-step GMM J underidentification stats by regressor:
                      j= 56.19 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0008 L.slackz
                      j= 111.04 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0000 munificence
                      j= 85.75 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0000 complex
                      j= 23.28 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.6700 dynamics
                      j= 24.35 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.6107 area
                      j= 28.99 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.3614 logasset
                      j= 27.10 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.4585 L.logasset
                      j= 39.83 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0532 roa
                      j= 36.92 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0965 L.roa
                      j= 44.47 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0185 agef
                      j= 41.20 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0394 edu
                      j= 36.91 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0967 tenure
                      j= 24.53 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.6007 sex
                      j= 31.68 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.2440 agee
                      j= 11.02 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.9972 offideputy
                      j= 19.34 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.8574 L.offideputy
                      j= 11.02 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.9972 0b.offideputy#co.dynamics
                      j= 11.02 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.9972 1.offideputy#c.dynamics
                      j= 17.37 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.9217 L.offdepdyn
                      j= 74.48 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0000 2005bn.year
                      j= 74.48 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0000 2006.year
                      j= 74.48 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0000 2007.year
                      j= 74.48 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0000 2008.year
                      j= 74.48 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0000 2009.year
                      j= 74.48 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0000 2010.year
                      j= 74.48 Chi-sq( 26) p-value=0.0000 2011.year


                      • I am sorry that the bug had significant effects on your results.

                        From your results, it seems that there are some issues primarily related to the variables offideputy and offdepdyn. But there is not much more I can say about that. While this is probably not satisfying, sometimes we may just have to live with some imperfection in our models. If you can justify your model specification on theoretical grounds, it might be acceptable to put less emphasis on the specification tests. This also depends on whether the troublesome variables are your main variables of interest or just some control variables. The specification tests then could tell us that we need to be cautious with the interpretation of our results. A perfect model may not exist given the available data.


                        • Dear,Kripfganz, would you recommend me how to plot the interaction effect of dynamic panel data?


                          • I believe you can use margins and marginsplot for that purpose. I have not used them much myself.


                            • I find that your margins and marginsplot can only analyze the interaction of one categorical variable and continuous variable or two categorical variables. But I want to analyze the interaction of two continuous variables, how can I do?
                              Last edited by Lin Liu; 23 Oct 2020, 08:25.


                              • Maybe the following official video tutorial is of help:
                                Profile plots and interaction plots in Stata®: Interactions of two continuous variables

