Hi everyone,
I am trying to draw a US map with all the counties using the package spmap. The problem is that when Stata plots the map and I include Alaska and Hawaii, the map appears distorted. The data used can be downloaded from here: https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data..._counties.html.
The code I am using is the following one:
With this code, Alaska and Hawaii distort the map. I have been trying to modify the uscoord.dta file in the way it was shown in previous posts (for a state level map), but I don't know if I am doing it well or if I should do it in another way. The error Stata gave me is:
. The following part of code would go after the command
The IDs are the ones that correspond to the counties in Hawaii and Alaska according to the usdb.dta file.
I am trying to draw a US map with all the counties using the package spmap. The problem is that when Stata plots the map and I include Alaska and Hawaii, the map appears distorted. The data used can be downloaded from here: https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data..._counties.html.
The code I am using is the following one:
HTML Code:
cd "../cb_2016_us_county_500k" ssc install spmap ssc install shp2dta shp2dta using cb_2016_us_county_500k, database(usdb) coordinates(uscoord) genid(id) **** use "usdb.dta", clear destring STATEFP, gen(STATEFP_new) drop STATEFP rename STATEFP_new STATEFP rename STATEFP state_fips rename NAME county_str replace county_str = subinstr(county_str, "Baltimore", "Baltimore City", .) if LSAD=="25" replace county_str = subinstr(county_str, "St. Louis", "St. Louis City", .) if LSAD=="25" replace county_str = subinstr(county_str, "Fairfax", "Fairfax City", .) if LSAD=="25" replace county_str = subinstr(county_str, "Franklin", "Franklin City", .) if LSAD=="25" replace county_str = subinstr(county_str, "Richmond", "Richmond City", .) if LSAD=="25" replace county_str = subinstr(county_str, "Roanoke", "Roanoke City", .) if LSAD=="25" replace county_str = subinstr(county_str, "Doña Ana", "Dona Ana", .) // Rename the variables to merge ** Merge datasets merge 1:1 state_fips county_str using "../Crosswalk_county_raw_temp.dta" // Merge with the dataset that has the data we want to plot. drop if _merge!=3 drop _merge drop if state_fips==72 // Dropping Puerto Rico ** Draw the graph spmap color_num using "uscoord.dta", id(id) /// fcolor(RdYlBu) ndfcolor(white) osize(thin) clmethod(custom) clbreaks(0 1 2 3 4 5) /// legtitle(Belt Definitions) legorder(lohi) legend(label(2 "Rust Belt") label(3 "Sun Belt") /// label(4 "East Coast") label(5 "West Coast") label(6 "Flyover counties") position(2)) /// graphregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white) ilcolor(white)) /// title({bf:Potential Belt Definitions})
With this code, Alaska and Hawaii distort the map. I have been trying to modify the uscoord.dta file in the way it was shown in previous posts (for a state level map), but I don't know if I am doing it well or if I should do it in another way. The error Stata gave me is:
HTML Code:
latitude _Y must be between -90 and 90
HTML Code:
shp2dta using cb_2016_us_county_500k, database(usdb) coordinates(uscoord) genid(id)
HTML Code:
ssc install geo2xy net get geo2xy use "../cb_2016_us_county_500k/uscoord.dta", clear * Alaska drop if _X > 0 & !mi(_X) & !inlist(_ID, 28,29,30,463,464,465,466,467,468,774,900,953,1054,1076,1158,1278,1369,1370,1371,2135,2276,2277,2278,2279,2280,2281,2527,2556,3073) // land in the Eastern hemisphere geo2xy _Y _X if !inlist(_ID, 28,29,30,463,464,465,466,467,468,774,900,953,1054,1076,1158,1278,1369,1370,1371,2135,2276,2277,2278,2279,2280,2281,2527,2556,3073), replace proj(albers) replace _Y = _Y / 3 + 700000 if !inlist(_ID, 28,29,30,463,464,465,466,467,468,774,900,953,1054,1076,1158,1278,1369,1370,1371,2135,2276,2277,2278,2279,2280,2281,2527,2556,3073) replace _X = _X / 3 - 1700000 if !inlist(_ID, 28,29,30,463,464,465,466,467,468,774,900,953,1054,1076,1158,1278,1369,1370,1371,2135,2276,2277,2278,2279,2280,2281,2527,2556,3073) * Hawaii drop if _X < -160 & !mi(_X) & !inlist(_ID,98,359,360,361,2389) // small islands to the west geo2xy _Y _X if !inlist(_ID,98,359,360,361,2389), replace proj(albers) replace _Y = _Y / 2 + 1500000 if !inlist(_ID,98,359,360,361,2389) replace _X = _X / 2 - 800000 if !inlist(_ID,98,359,360,361,2389) * contiguous US geo2xy _Y _X if !inlist(_ID,98,359,360,361,2389,28,29,30,463,464,465,466,467,468,774,900,953,1054,1076,1158,1278,1369,1370,1371,2135,2276,2277,2278,2279,2280,2281,2527,2556,3073), replace proj(albers)