Andrew Musau
thank you for your time,
i have tried but it is not working because est restore first is in red color, y is dependent variable and x is the independent variable, lag_x is the lag 1st of independent variable x. and c1 c2 c3 are control variables
Below is my actual codes which i want to outreg by using your commands
looking forward for your suggestions.
thank you for your time,
i have tried but it is not working because est restore first is in red color, y is dependent variable and x is the independent variable, lag_x is the lag 1st of independent variable x. and c1 c2 c3 are control variables
ivreg2 y c1 c2 c3 i.year i.industry ( x= lag_x), gmm2s first est restore first outreg2 using myfile, cttop(first) replace est restore second outreg2 using myfile, cttop(second) seeout using "myfile.txt"
ivreg2 y c1 c2 c3 i.year i.industry (x = lag_x), gmm2s first ivreg2 y c1 c2 c3 i.year i.industry (x= lag_x, gmm2s