Clyde Schechter Thanks for your reply. For me, this assistance is life-saving as I am an independent learner without formal training.
My design was ideally to classify the group into terciles, and use the top tercile (lowest ownership) as control group and bottom tercile (highest ownership) as treatment group
Hence my codes were
since post regulation is from 2017 onwards, I thought taking period < 2017 will help to circumvent the issue you raised, "
Now I really dont know the "command" to extend this further for classifying into treated and control group. I actually want to create a control group (low ownership % till year 2016) and treatment group but I couldnt find a logic to build any command in Stata. Hence, I tried a long ineffective way
Actually I have year from 2001 onwards. But in papers I have seen 3 years before the regulation/treatment and 3 years post regulation. Some articles also rationalized that a tighter window is good. In my case would it be alright if I take year from 2001 to 2016 to form treatment and control group based ownership.
If someone could help me, what is the most effective Stata code to classify sample into treat versus control based on my narration?
As always, looking forward to get some guidance
I do have concerns about the design, however.
Hence my codes were
egen owner_year=xtile(owner) if year>2012 & year<2017, n(3) by(year) // to classify variable into 3 categories based on pre-reg period
are you certain that year-on-year ownership is not affected by the intervention you are trying to study",.
egen mean_owner=mean(owner_year),by(id) // to get mean by id gen owner_group=. replace owner_group=1 if mean_owner>3 & mean_owner!= . high owner group replace owner_group=0 if mean_owner<1 & mean_owner!= . // low owner group
With only three years of pre-intervention data, it's a little hard to really draw a firm conclusion. But it looks fair. I would call it plausible, maybe even persuasive, but not convincing. (But almost nothing would be convincing based on just three years
If someone could help me, what is the most effective Stata code to classify sample into treat versus control based on my narration?
As always, looking forward to get some guidance