Dear Statalist community,
I want to execute a Diff-in-diff estimation.
My data is on the municipal-level and comprises the years 1936-2011.
Municipal-year-level observations;
Municipality:= 1,..,1442;
year:= 1936,..,2011.
My treatment:
around 450 Municipalities were struck by a seismic event of major force:
I have identified 11 Earthquakes in this period that struck different municipalities at different time.
I expect the municipalities affected by such an event to display lower population density growth in the long-run.
I coded various dummy variables to display the treatment period and groups:
One showing value 1 if th Municipality is part of the treatment group, 0 if part of the control group
Another one displaying value one in each treated Municipality solely for the year in which the earthquake struck
And a third one displaying value 1 for each affected Municipality FROM the year on in which the earthquake struck, lets call this one = EQ
I then mutiplied EQ * Year Variable to create the interaction
So I tried to code the regression this way:
xi: areg popdensity post_treatment i.Year, a(code) cluster (code)
Which of the treatment variables should I use?
Is the way I created the interaction term correct?
How do I correctly code my regression?
And how do I add lags and leads into my equation?
Thank you very much for your support/help in advance!
Kind regards,
I want to execute a Diff-in-diff estimation.
My data is on the municipal-level and comprises the years 1936-2011.
Municipal-year-level observations;
Municipality:= 1,..,1442;
year:= 1936,..,2011.
My treatment:
around 450 Municipalities were struck by a seismic event of major force:
I have identified 11 Earthquakes in this period that struck different municipalities at different time.
I expect the municipalities affected by such an event to display lower population density growth in the long-run.
I coded various dummy variables to display the treatment period and groups:
One showing value 1 if th Municipality is part of the treatment group, 0 if part of the control group
Another one displaying value one in each treated Municipality solely for the year in which the earthquake struck
And a third one displaying value 1 for each affected Municipality FROM the year on in which the earthquake struck, lets call this one = EQ
I then mutiplied EQ * Year Variable to create the interaction
So I tried to code the regression this way:
xi: areg popdensity post_treatment i.Year, a(code) cluster (code)
Which of the treatment variables should I use?
Is the way I created the interaction term correct?
How do I correctly code my regression?
And how do I add lags and leads into my equation?
Thank you very much for your support/help in advance!
Kind regards,