Dear all,
I have a question that I think might fit here / thread topic. This concerns also the use of the score of the pc1 value transformed to a Dummy as independent variable.
I have a component that measures the complexity of a company as a part of firm-size, number of business and geographic segments, etc.. This score is then used to create a dummy variable that equals 1 (0) if the pc1 value as measure for complexity is higher (lower) for that focal company compared to the industry median pc1 value (with the median generated with "excludeself").
This approach follows: Cheng/Lee/Shevlin (2016) Internal Governance and Real Earnings Management (The Accounting Review) p. 1071 f.
The question is:
Does this seem like a reasonable approach to you in subdividing the complete company sample into complex / non-complex firms and then run the regressions once with
so as to compare the effects of x on Y for complex firms with the sample as a whole in generating differences of the coefficients and then performing an t-Test for significant differences in the coefficient estimates?
So would this make the direct inclusion of the pc1 value redundant, since firm complexity is done through the dummy?
Question 2:
If the pc1 value has missing values resulting from missing values in the underlying variables, the dummy variable also has values of 1/0 and "." . Is this a problem if these missing values are included in the whole sample regression or is this not a problem since Stata ignores missing values in the regression?
Thanks in advance!
Stata 17/BE
I have a question that I think might fit here / thread topic. This concerns also the use of the score of the pc1 value transformed to a Dummy as independent variable.
I have a component that measures the complexity of a company as a part of firm-size, number of business and geographic segments, etc.. This score is then used to create a dummy variable that equals 1 (0) if the pc1 value as measure for complexity is higher (lower) for that focal company compared to the industry median pc1 value (with the median generated with "excludeself").
This approach follows: Cheng/Lee/Shevlin (2016) Internal Governance and Real Earnings Management (The Accounting Review) p. 1071 f.
The question is:
Does this seem like a reasonable approach to you in subdividing the complete company sample into complex / non-complex firms and then run the regressions once with
xtset Industry xtreg Y x x i.Panel_Year if Complex==1, fe and once with xtreg Y x x i.Panel_Year, fe
So would this make the direct inclusion of the pc1 value redundant, since firm complexity is done through the dummy?
Question 2:
If the pc1 value has missing values resulting from missing values in the underlying variables, the dummy variable also has values of 1/0 and "." . Is this a problem if these missing values are included in the whole sample regression or is this not a problem since Stata ignores missing values in the regression?
Thanks in advance!
Stata 17/BE