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  • #16
    Dear Joao,

    Joao Santos Silva Thank you for your reply.

    From one of your previous replies:

    Originally posted by Joao Santos Silva View Post
    Dear Lars Pete,
    We can use Poisson regression even if some observations are negative; the key condition is that the expectation is positive. So, if you only have a small number of negative observations, you may want to try the ivppml command that is available here (see the example in the same page that shows estimation with some negative observations).
    The data is "xtset county year", with state level staggered treatments.

    1. When I run xtpoisson or xtpqml or ppmlhdfe with negative values, stata gives an error saying that all values must be positive.

    The summary statistics which I provided was for the "first difference" (denoted by diff_) of the original >=0 count variable. This process creates negative values. I transformed my original variable to first difference because my actual dep variable is aggregate yearly count in that year (not annual flow or change) as is typically used in the gravity models. If I want to model the change (just like number of trips in gravity model) I have to use the change from last year, hence the first difference. Alternately, I could keep using the original >=0 count variable nevertheless since taking first difference gives negative values.

    My actual variable is count variable with a lot of zero values (I don't know if that is zero inflated or not) is as follows:

    . di "Percentage of zeros: " ((`zero_records' /  `total_records')*100)
    Percentage of zeros: 3.2603503
    Does that qualify to be zero inflated? In any case it is a count variable >= 0 and I guess poisson would still be needed.

    But I am still at a loss about what to do if I decide to take the first difference (which generates negative values in dep var). You suggest ivppml but I am not familiar with it and I don't have good IVs as of yet. Also, it is a short panel -2010 to 2019.

    Of course the results differ if you include fixed effects; that is why we include them
    Now, we say that pqmle and ppml are same and are just different acronyms for poisson reg, ppmlhdfe allows me to use two way fixed effects while xtpqmle doesn't allow me to use i.year. So, this is what I do and the results are different (of course because xtpqmle doesn't allow me to use i.year) .

    ppmlhdfe MDs atet_paypar bbdT1std atet_imlcc `controls', a(countyfips year) vce(robust)
    xtpqml MDs atet_paypar bbdT1std atet_imlcc `controls', fe
    Thus, even though ppml and pqml are the same thing, for me their implementation in Stata is different. ppmlhdfe allows me to use both i.year and vce(robust) while pqml (already has inbuilt robust SE) but doesn't allow me to use i.year.

    a. I also try:
    xtpoisson MDs atet_paypar bbdT1std atet_imlcc `controls' i.year, fe vce(robust)
    which should give me the same result as ppmlhdfe above. However, the results are different.

    b. Now, I understand that PQMLE assumes no unobserved heterogeneity. If PPML is same as PQMLE, then it should also assume that there is no unobserved heterogeneity and shouldn't allow me to use time FE. But ppmlhdfe does allow me to use both county and time FE in Stata!

    Now these two below give me exactly the same results but I can't use i.year:

    xtpqml MDs atet_paypar bbdT1std atet_imlcc `controls', fe
    xtpoisson MDs atet_paypar bbdT1std atet_imlcc `controls', fe vce(robust)

    In any case, just xtpoisson look reasonable instead of xtpqmle or ppmlhdfe as I can use time FE (i.year). But I'd like to know your thoughts.

    I'd highly appreciate your feedback. Thank you.
    Last edited by Lars Pete; 29 Mar 2024, 21:33.


    • #17
      Dear Lars Pete,

      I still do not understand what you are doing, but if you want to estimate a Poisson regression and some observations are negative, you can use ivppml. If you follow the link I suggested, you will find an example where it is noted that if you do not specify any instruments ivppml is just ppml. I would say that 3% of zeros is a "small number of negative observations", but it is up to you to decide how to model the data; I am just telling you about the tools you have available, not recommending an approach.

      All the commands you are using implement the same estimator so, if used correctly, should give you the same results. One reason that may lead the results to appear different is that Stata will drop different collinear variables depending on how you deal with the fixed effects. I suggest you check if this is the reason the results are not identical. Also if you include the fixed effects as dummies in your model, I suggest you list them immediately after the dependent variable, not at the end as you are doing.

      Best wishes,



      • #18
        Dear Joao Santos Silva ,

        Thanks for pointing out the tools. The suggestions are helpful. I will check for the reasons why they are not similar.

        I have some important follow up questions.

        My outcome variable is over dispersed. As shown below, Mean and SD in brackets.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 5.27.10 PM.png
Views:	1
Size:	12.8 KB
ID:	1748513

        1. Is xtpoisson good even with this over dispersed data?

        2. How can we verify the assumptions for poisson, such as "conditional mean is proportional conditional variance" in Stata, can you recommend a guide? What if the assumptions are not satisfied?

        Should I go for Manning and Mullahy (2001) as suggested in your paper as shown below:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 5.46.17 PM.png
Views:	1
Size:	200.3 KB
ID:	1748514

        Again, my objective is just to show in my paper that the assumptions for using Poisson are satisfied. And if they are not, what is the alternative. If I go with M&M (2001), how can I implement that in Stata?

        2. Second question is regarding the goodness of fit. I understand that you have already recommended against using margins here: santos_uksug16.pdf (
        Is there any guide that can point me to check the goodness of fit for xtpoisson? I have a staggered DiD design in xtpoisson.

        I really appreciate your insightful responses and helpful feedback.

        Best regards.
        Last edited by Lars Pete; 01 Apr 2024, 18:53.


        • #19
          Dear Lars Pete,

          1. You do not know whether your data is overdispersed because what matters is the conditional overdispersion (see the quote you use in 2. below). Anyway, overdispersion is not a problem in the FE Poisson regression: check the paper by Jeff Wooldridge's (1999) that we cite in the paper you quote. Finally, keep in mind that overdispersion is not defined unless you have count data.

          2. My reply to 1 also answers this one: that assumption is not needed. All you need is that the functional form is correct, and you can test that using the RESET test.

          2. (You have two questions with the same number). Forget about goodness of fit; valid models are not required to have a "good fit".

          Best wishes,



          • #20
            Dear Joao Santos Silva ,

            Thank you very much. I ran RESET but my results don't inspire confidence. I don't know whether what I am doing is right or not. I am following this:

            . xtset countyfips year 
            Panel variable: countyfips (unbalanced)
             Time variable: year, 2010 to 2019
                     Delta: 1 unit
            . keep if (_treated == 0 | _treated == 1) & _support == 1
            (64 observations deleted)
            . ppmlhdfe MDsNonFederalandFederalT atet_paypar atet_provfloor atet_provpar atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost logperc
            > entpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions bbdT1std, absorb(countyfips year) vce(robust)
            (dropped 478 observations that are either singletons or separated by a fixed effect)
            note: 1 variable omitted because of collinearity: bbdT1std
            Absorbed degrees of freedom:
             Absorbed FE | Categories  - Redundant  = Num. Coefs |
              countyfips |      2234           0        2234     |
                    year |        10           1           9     |
            . predict y_hat, xb
            . gen y_h_2=y_hat*y_hat 
            . gen y_h_3=y_h_2*y_hat
            . gen y_h_4=y_h_3*y_hat
            . ppmlhdfe MDsNonFederalandFederalT atet_paypar atet_provfloor atet_provpar atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost logperc
            > entpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions bbdT1std y_h_2 y_h_3 y_h_4, absorb(countyfips year) vce(robust)
            (dropped 478 observations that are either singletons or separated by a fixed effect)
            note: 1 variable omitted because of collinearity: bbdT1std
            HDFE PPML regression                              No. of obs      =     22,296
            Absorbing 2 HDFE groups                           Residual df     =     20,035
                                                              Wald chi2(18)   =    1622.03
            Deviance             =  12005.52981               Prob > chi2     =     0.0000
            Log pseudolikelihood =  -65261.4989               Pseudo R2       =     0.9955
                                     |               Robust
            MDsNonFederalandFederalT | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                         atet_paypar |  -.0015223          .        .       .            .           .
                      atet_provfloor |   .1483653          .        .       .            .           .
                        atet_provpar |   .0339889          .        .       .            .           .
                    atet_provceiling |  -.0915724          .        .       .            .           .
                         atet_dcipar |   .0570303          .        .       .            .           .
                     atet_dciceiling |  -.0083856          .        .       .            .           .
                            bbdT1std |   .0220569          .        .       .            .           .
                          atet_imlcc |   .0420174          .        .       .            .           .
                              logpop |   4.677192          .        .       .            .           .
            logMedianHouseholdIncome |   .4058581          .        .       .            .           .
                       logstramccost |  -.2551242          .        .       .            .           .
                       logpercentpov |     .03358          .        .       .            .           .
               logUnemploymentRate16 |  -.0835824          .        .       .            .           .
                                logW |  -.0002158          .        .       .            .           .
               TotHospitalAdmissions |   1.94e-07          .        .       .            .           .
                            bbdT1std |          0  (omitted)
                               y_h_2 |  -.9980534          .        .       .            .           .
                               y_h_3 |    .094849          .        .       .            .           .
                               y_h_4 |  -.0032533          .        .       .            .           .
                               _cons |  -28.60799          .        .       .            .           .
            Absorbed degrees of freedom:
             Absorbed FE | Categories  - Redundant  = Num. Coefs |
              countyfips |      2234           0        2234     |
                    year |        10           1           9     |
            . test y_h_2 y_h_3 y_h_4
             ( 1)  y_h_2 = 0
             ( 2)  y_h_3 = 0
             ( 3)  y_h_4 = 0
                   Constraint 1 dropped
                   Constraint 2 dropped
                   Constraint 3 dropped
                       chi2(  0) =       .
                     Prob > chi2 =         .
            . xtpoisson MDsNonFederalandFederalT i.year atet_paypar atet_provfloor atet_provpar atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost
            >  logpercentpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions bbdT1std, fe vce(robust)
            note: 50 groups (478 obs) dropped because of all zero outcomes
            note: bbdT1std omitted because of collinearity.
            . predict y_hat, xb
            . gen y_h_2=y_hat*y_hat 
            . gen y_h_3=y_h_2*y_hat
            . gen y_h_4=y_h_3*y_hat
            . xtpoisson MDsNonFederalandFederalT i.year atet_paypar atet_provfloor atet_provpar atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost
            >  logpercentpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions bbdT1std y_h_2 y_h_3 y_h_4, fe vce(robust)
            note: 50 groups (478 obs) dropped because of all zero outcomes
            note: bbdT1std omitted because of collinearity.
            . test y_h_2 y_h_3 y_h_4
             ( 1)  [MDsNonFederalandFederalT]y_h_2 = 0
             ( 2)  [MDsNonFederalandFederalT]y_h_3 = 0
             ( 3)  [MDsNonFederalandFederalT]y_h_4 = 0
                       chi2(  3) =   13.65
                     Prob > chi2 =    0.0034
            . xtpoisson MDsNonFederalandFederalT i.year atet_paypar#c.bbdT1std atet_provpar#c.bbdT1std atet_provfloor#c.bbdT1std atet_provceiling#c.bbdT1std atet_dcipar#c.bbdT1std atet_dciceiling#c.bbdT1std
            >  atet_paypar atet_provpar atet_provfloor atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling paypar#c.bbdT1std provfloor#c.bbdT1std provpar#c.bbdT1std provceiling#c.bbdT1std dcipar#c.bbdT1std dciceil
            > ing#c.bbdT1std bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost logpercentpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions, fe vce(robust)  
            note: 50 groups (478 obs) dropped because of all zero outcomes
            . predict y_hat, xb
            . gen y_h_2=y_hat*y_hat 
            . gen y_h_3=y_h_2*y_hat
            . gen y_h_4=y_h_3*y_hat
            . xtpoisson MDsNonFederalandFederalT i.year atet_paypar#c.bbdT1std atet_provpar#c.bbdT1std atet_provfloor#c.bbdT1std atet_provceiling#c.bbdT1std atet_dcipar#c.bbdT1std atet_dciceiling#c.bbdT1std
            >  atet_paypar atet_provpar atet_provfloor atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling paypar#c.bbdT1std provfloor#c.bbdT1std provpar#c.bbdT1std provceiling#c.bbdT1std dcipar#c.bbdT1std dciceil
            > ing#c.bbdT1std bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost logpercentpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions y_h_2 y_h_3 y_h_4, fe vce(robust)
            note: 50 groups (478 obs) dropped because of all zero outcomes
            . test y_h_2 y_h_3 y_h_4
             ( 1)  [MDsNonFederalandFederalT]y_h_2 = 0
             ( 2)  [MDsNonFederalandFederalT]y_h_3 = 0
             ( 3)  [MDsNonFederalandFederalT]y_h_4 = 0
                       chi2(  3) =    8.53
                     Prob > chi2 =    0.0362
            So, in the first two, my RESET test rejects the null. It means that my models are not correctly specified even when my data is count with a lot of zeroes and I use ppmlhdfe or xtpoisson.

            4. Am I implementing the RESET test correctly?
            5. If yes, my models are not correctly specified. What is the solution?

            Again, thanks a lot for the comments. They have been very useful.

            Best regards.


            • #21
              Dear Lars Pete,

              I suggest that you perform the test just with the squares and use the ppmlhdfe as in 1. Adding more powers is likely to create excessive collinearity.

              All models are misspecified, so whether you can trust the results of a model that fails the RESET depends on what you want to do with the results of the model and on bad is the misspecification.

              Best wishes,



              • #22
                Dear Joao Santos Silva
                Thanks a lot again. Please see the results after I implemented your directions. Can we trust these results?

                . ppmlhdfe MDsNonFederalandFederalT atet_paypar atet_provfloor atet_provpar atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost logpercentpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions bbdT1std, absorb(countyfips year) vce(robust)
                (dropped 478 observations that are either singletons or separated by a fixed effect)
                note: 1 variable omitted because of collinearity: bbdT1std
                Absorbed degrees of freedom:
                 Absorbed FE | Categories  - Redundant  = Num. Coefs |
                  countyfips |      2234           0        2234     |
                        year |        10           1           9     |
                . predict y_hat, xb
                . gen y_h_2=y_hat*y_hat 
                . ppmlhdfe MDsNonFederalandFederalT atet_paypar atet_provfloor atet_provpar atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost logpercentpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions bbdT1std y_h_2, absorb(countyfips year) vce(robust)
                (dropped 478 observations that are either singletons or separated by a fixed effect)
                note: 1 variable omitted because of collinearity: bbdT1std
                Absorbed degrees of freedom:
                 Absorbed FE | Categories  - Redundant  = Num. Coefs |
                  countyfips |      2234           0        2234     |
                        year |        10           1           9     |
                . test y_h_2 
                 ( 1)  y_h_2 = 0
                           chi2(  1) =    3.37
                         Prob > chi2 =    0.0663
                . ppmlhdfe MDsNonFederalandFederalT atet_paypar#c.bbdT1std atet_provpar#c.bbdT1std atet_provfloor#c.bbdT1std atet_provceiling#c.bbdT1std atet_dcipar#c.bbdT1std atet_dciceiling#c.bbdT1std atet_paypar atet_provpar atet_provfloor atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling paypar#c.bbdT1std provfloor#c.bbdT1std provpar#c.bbdT1std provceiling#c.bbdT1std dcipar#c.bbdT1std dciceiling#c.bbdT1std bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost logpercentpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions, absorb(countyfips year) vce(robust)  
                (dropped 478 observations that are either singletons or separated by a fixed effect)
                Absorbed degrees of freedom:
                 Absorbed FE | Categories  - Redundant  = Num. Coefs |
                  countyfips |      2234           0        2234     |
                        year |        10           1           9     |
                . predict y_hat, xb
                . gen y_h_2=y_hat*y_hat
                . ppmlhdfe MDsNonFederalandFederalT atet_paypar#c.bbdT1std atet_provpar#c.bbdT1std atet_provfloor#c.bbdT1std atet_provceiling#c.bbdT1std atet_dcipar#c.bbdT1std atet_dciceiling#c.bbdT1std atet_paypar atet_provpar atet_provfloor atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling paypar#c.bbdT1std provfloor#c.bbdT1std provpar#c.bbdT1std provceiling#c.bbdT1std dcipar#c.bbdT1std dciceiling#c.bbdT1std bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost logpercentpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions y_h_2, absorb(countyfips year) vce(cluster cohort)
                (dropped 478 observations that are either singletons or separated by a fixed effect)
                Absorbed degrees of freedom:
                 Absorbed FE | Categories  - Redundant  = Num. Coefs |
                  countyfips |      2234        2234           0    *|
                        year |        10           1           9     |
                * = FE nested within cluster; treated as redundant for DoF computation
                . test y_h_2
                 ( 1)  y_h_2 = 0
                           chi2(  1) =    0.13
                         Prob > chi2 =    0.7141
                Last edited by Lars Pete; 05 Apr 2024, 01:32.


                • #23
                  Just make sure you use the right standard errors; I suggest that you explicit cluster by the relevant variables.


                  • #24
                    Dear Joao Santos Silva
                    Thanks a lot again. My panel is from 2010 to 2019. 41 states. I tried to use vce(cluster countyfips) and vce(cluster countyfips#year). Which one would be better? or should I show the results of both in my paper? Is greater p-value after reset test indicator of a better model functional specification? Thanks again. Your comments have been immensely valuable and I learnt a lot.
                    . ppmlhdfe MDsNonFederalandFederalT atet_paypar atet_provfloor atet_provpar atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost logper
                    > centpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions bbdT1std, absorb(countyfips year) vce(cluster countyfips)
                    (dropped 478 observations that are either singletons or separated by a fixed effect)
                    HDFE PPML regression                              No. of obs      =     22,296
                    Absorbing 2 HDFE groups                           Residual df     =      2,233
                    Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity           Wald chi2(15)   =     511.13
                    Deviance             =   12020.7554               Prob > chi2     =     0.0000
                    Log pseudolikelihood =  -65269.1117               Pseudo R2       =     0.9955
                    Number of clusters (countyfips)=     2,234
                                                         (Std. err. adjusted for 2,234 clusters in countyfips)
                                             |               Robust
                    MDsNonFederalandFederalT | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                                 atet_paypar |  -.0002884   .0050167    -0.06   0.954    -.0101211    .0095442
                              atet_provfloor |   .0269673   .0116594     2.31   0.021     .0041154    .0498193
                                atet_provpar |   .0063668   .0065963     0.97   0.334    -.0065617    .0192953
                            atet_provceiling |  -.0169557   .0121121    -1.40   0.162    -.0406949    .0067836
                                 atet_dcipar |    .010554    .011815     0.89   0.372    -.0126031    .0337111
                             atet_dciceiling |  -.0015371   .0056635    -0.27   0.786    -.0126373    .0095631
                                    bbdT1std |   .0042756   .0018344     2.33   0.020     .0006802    .0078711
                                  atet_imlcc |   .0075698   .0038773     1.95   0.051    -.0000296    .0151692
                                      logpop |   .8566456   .0656935    13.04   0.000     .7278887    .9854025
                    logMedianHouseholdIncome |   .0756726   .0294176     2.57   0.010     .0180152    .1333301
                               logstramccost |  -.0482867   .0280167    -1.72   0.085    -.1031985     .006625
                               logpercentpov |   .0063847   .0102549     0.62   0.534    -.0137146     .026484
                       logUnemploymentRate16 |   -.015552   .0081311    -1.91   0.056    -.0314887    .0003847
                                        logW |  -.0000648   .0046829    -0.01   0.989     -.009243    .0091135
                       TotHospitalAdmissions |   3.88e-08   7.27e-08     0.53   0.594    -1.04e-07    1.81e-07
                                    bbdT1std |          0  (omitted)
                                       _cons |  -3.947825   .8961457    -4.41   0.000    -5.704238   -2.191412
                    . test y_h_2 
                     ( 1)  y_h_2 = 0
                               chi2(  1) =    1.08
                             Prob > chi2 =    0.2998
                    . ppmlhdfe MDsNonFederalandFederalT atet_paypar atet_provfloor atet_provpar atet_provceiling atet_dcipar atet_dciceiling bbdT1std atet_imlcc logpop logMedianHouseholdIncome logstramccost logper
                    > centpov logUnemploymentRate16 logW TotHospitalAdmissions bbdT1std, absorb(countyfips year) vce(cluster countyfips#year)
                    (dropped 478 observations that are either singletons or separated by a fixed effect)
                    HDFE PPML regression                              No. of obs      =     22,296
                    Absorbing 2 HDFE groups                           Residual df     =     20,038
                    Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity           Wald chi2(15)   =    1755.98
                    Deviance             =   12020.7554               Prob > chi2     =     0.0000
                    Log pseudolikelihood =  -65269.1117               Pseudo R2       =     0.9955
                    Number of clusters (countyfips#year)=    22,296
                                                   (Std. err. adjusted for 22,296 clusters in countyfips#year)
                    Number of clusters (countyfips#year)=    22,296
                                                   (Std. err. adjusted for 22,296 clusters in countyfips#year)
                                             |               Robust
                    MDsNonFederalandFederalT | Coefficient  std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                                 atet_paypar |  -.0002884   .0031758    -0.09   0.928    -.0065128     .005936
                              atet_provfloor |   .0269673   .0059133     4.56   0.000     .0153774    .0385573
                                atet_provpar |   .0063668   .0036762     1.73   0.083    -.0008384     .013572
                            atet_provceiling |  -.0169557   .0053339    -3.18   0.001    -.0274099   -.0065014
                                 atet_dcipar |    .010554   .0051094     2.07   0.039     .0005398    .0205682
                             atet_dciceiling |  -.0015371   .0033288    -0.46   0.644    -.0080613    .0049871
                                    bbdT1std |   .0042756   .0015682     2.73   0.006     .0012021    .0073492
                                  atet_imlcc |   .0075698   .0020275     3.73   0.000     .0035959    .0115437
                                      logpop |   .8566456    .031989    26.78   0.000     .7939484    .9193428
                    logMedianHouseholdIncome |   .0756726   .0202434     3.74   0.000     .0359963    .1153489
                               logstramccost |  -.0482867   .0196126    -2.46   0.014    -.0867267   -.0098468
                               logpercentpov |   .0063847    .008485     0.75   0.452    -.0102457     .023015
                       logUnemploymentRate16 |   -.015552   .0049561    -3.14   0.002    -.0252659   -.0058382
                                        logW |  -.0000648   .0037809    -0.02   0.986    -.0074753    .0073457
                       TotHospitalAdmissions |   3.88e-08   4.48e-08     0.87   0.387    -4.90e-08    1.27e-07
                                    bbdT1std |          0  (omitted)
                                       _cons |  -3.947825   .4898213    -8.06   0.000    -4.907857   -2.987793
                    Absorbed degrees of freedom:
                     Absorbed FE | Categories  - Redundant  = Num. Coefs |
                      countyfips |      2234           0        2234     |
                            year |        10           1           9     |
                    . test y_h_2 
                     ( 1)  y_h_2 = 0
                               chi2(  1) =    3.37
                             Prob > chi2 =    0.0663
                    Best regards.


                    • #25
                      In 2 you have as many clusters as observations, so you are not clustering at all!


                      • #26
                        Thank you for catching that. In this case, I think I should go with 1.

