I am using a panel dataset.
vote is my dependent variable: 1 if the respondent voted in an annual leadership election, and 0 otherwise (so I am using nonlinear methods).
My independent variables include marital status, gender, age etc.
I then run my regression with only age and age^2 as control variables:
I then conduct the test to see whether age^2 should be included, because I suspect there may be a U-shaped or inverse U-shaped relationship with voting (e.g. very young and very old people may be more or less likely to vote than middle-aged people, in a non-linear relationship).
With this result, does this suggest that including age^2 is insignificant, and that perhaps I should only include age?
I believe this is the appropriate test to see the significant of the squared term, although please could you advise me if I'm mistaken?
Thank you
I am using a panel dataset.
vote is my dependent variable: 1 if the respondent voted in an annual leadership election, and 0 otherwise (so I am using nonlinear methods).
My independent variables include marital status, gender, age etc.
I then run my regression with only age and age^2 as control variables:
xtprobit vote c.age c.age#c.age, re vce(robust)
test age c.age#c.age ( 1) [vote]age= 0 ( 2) [vote]c.age#c.age= 0 chi2( 2) = 4.34 Prob > chi2 = 0.1141
I believe this is the appropriate test to see the significant of the squared term, although please could you advise me if I'm mistaken?
Thank you