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  • Installing pantob// Where to save the mlib file


    I want to run a fixed effects tobit regression.
    Therefore I would like to use the pantob command.
    Unfortunatley the command is not available via ssc or ansthing else like net or findit.
    Therefore I tried to use the files from
    However I´m unable to run the program, since I do not save the mlib file in the specific folder.
    Following the instruction on the Website I saved the mlib file in the folder C:\ado. Is that correct? Or should I use the Stata Folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata14\ado ??
    Stata is able to describe the mlib file
    mata: mata describe using lpantob.mlib
    (library contains 5 members)

    # bytes type name and extent
    1,424 auto void bo_fct0()
    2,960 auto void bo_fct1()
    2,424 auto void bo_fct2()
    4,684 auto void pantob_boots()
    7,368 auto void pantobmata()

    However, after using the pantob Regression command, it responses with
    <istmt>: 3499 pantobmata() not found

    Thanks for your Support!

  • #2
    try to type mata mata mlib index

    It is not a requirement, but I would place there programs in \ado\personal\.


    • #3
      Ok thanks, I think now I found it, however I´m not quite sure why.
      Anyway, now I´m receivin the error message
      Just to let everyone else know, I got another Problem and the error message was
      something went wrong with sorting the data
      estimates post: matrix has missing values
      , which was quite confusing for me
      That was due to a string variable as fixed effect identifier.
      So just use encode and the Problem should be solved.
      Thanks again Christophe!


      • #4

        hello , i would like to ask you how you got to execute the pantob command. I run the command like this way: - Pantob Y X1 X2 X3 The program results was : <istmt>: 3499 pantobmata() not found. Any suggestions to execute Pantob please ?

