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  • Restrictions on short-run VAR

    Dear Statalisters,

    I am estimating a Structural VAR:
    A(IK − A1L − A2L2 − · · · − ApLp )yt = Aet = Bet

    I have set the restrictions I need on the A matrix (contemporaneous effects). Let's say that one of those restrictions is a23=0; to wit, I am imposing no contemporaneous effect of the shock to variable 3 on variable 2.

    Up to this point, everything is smooth in STATA: short-run constraints.

    My problem is that I have to set the same restriction also on the matrices A1, ..., Ap. This is because I want that variable 3 does not impact on variable 2 also from lag 1 onwards. I need to shut down the effect of variable 3 on 2 for any time period. This is for a counterfactual as done in:
    • Ludvigson-Steindel-Lettau 2002 (Monetary Policy Transmission through the Consumption-Wealth Channel, FRBNY Economic Policy Review / May 2002)
    • Giuliodori 2005 (Monetary Policy Shocks and the Role of House Prices Across European Countries)
    Is there any way to do that in STATA svar command? I tend to belive no...

    As an alternative solution: Do you think it would be the same to set constraints on the coefficients of the reduced-form VAR from which the Structural VAR is retrieved?
    Reduced-form VAR: Yt= v + B1Yt-1+…+ BpYt-p +ut

    To wit: I could impose that the coefficients of variable 3 in the equation of variable 2 in the VAR are equal to zero for any lag (b23=0 in B1,...,Bp).
    Although, these are not the structural coefficients, perhaps this would make the trick, namely, this would shut any effect of variable 3 on 2. But I am not sure how this could alter the conclusion from the analysis.

    I would really appreciate any suggestion about this.

  • #2
    The example below should give you an idea of how to proceed:
    webuse lutkepohl2
    var dln_inv dln_inc dln_consump if qtr<=tq(1978q4), lags(1/2)
    matrix A = (.,0,0\.,.,0\.,.,.)
    matrix list A
    matrix B =(1,0,0\0,1,0\0,0,1)
    matrix list B
    svar dln_inv dln_inc dln_consump if qtr<=tq(1978q4), aeq(A) beq(B) var dfk
    constraint 1 [dln_inv]L2.dln_inv = 0
    constraint 2 [dln_inv]L.dln_inc = 0
    constraint 3 [dln_inv]L2.dln_inc = 0
    constraint 4 [dln_inv]L2.dln_consump = 0
    constraint 5 [dln_inc]L2.dln_inv = 0
    constraint 6 [dln_inc]L2.dln_inc = 0
    constraint 7 [dln_inc]L2.dln_consump = 0
    constraint 8 [dln_consump]L.dln_inv = 0
    constraint 9 [dln_consump]L2.dln_consump = 0
    svar dln_inv dln_inc dln_consump if qtr<=tq(1978q4), aeq(A) beq(B) var varconst(1/9) dfk
    On edit: Note that Stata sometimes produces very small numbers for the coefficients instead of a zero
    Last edited by Eric de Souza; 14 Feb 2017, 14:32.


    • #3
      I am aware of this example. This is what I meant by "an alternative".

      The issue is: through the "constraint X" lines one imposes constraints on the lagged coefficient-matrices in the Reduced-Form (B in my previous text), not in the Structural-Form.
      In the example the restrictions on the structural-form matices are set through "aeq(A)", but that works only for the contemporaneous effects, not for the lagged.

      Theoretically, I would need to impose restrictions on the lagged coefficient-matrices of the Structural Form (Ap in my previous text)


      • #4
        The constraints 1 to 9 in my example are constraints on the A1 to Ap matrices. So I don't understand what you mean.


        • #5
          You report example 3 from the "var svar" command (STATA TS manual)

          >Structural VAR: A(IK − A1L − A2L2 − · · · − ApLp )yt = Aet = Bet
          >Reduced-form VAR: Yt= v + B1Yt-1+…+ BpYt-p +ut

          The constraints you set and include through the varconst(1/9) are on the coefficient matrices of the Reduced-Form (B matrices), not on the matrices of the Structural-Form (A matrices)

          If you read the example: "svar also allows us to palce constraints ont he parametners of the Underlyign VAR..."

          Have a look at page 11:

          Although, I don't know whether imposing restrictions on Bi is equivalent to imposing restrictions on Ai


          • #6
            After having had a look at the two papers to which you refer as well as the technical appendix to Ludvigson et al paper (the technical appendix is available on her website), I fear that this is something you will have to program yourself. Giulidori used RATS and I get the impression that he also had to program it himself.


            • #7
              Dear Eric,
              thank you very much for your interest on my post.

              Yes, I believe I have to switch to another software.


