I am trying to understand which are the determinants of life expectancy in OECD countries. I have 35 countries and 10 years. The dependent variable are healthcare expenditure, gini coefficient and lifestyle variables such as tobacco consumption. I would like to use panel data with fixed effect both for countries and time. The problem is that my panel is unbalanced. Since I am an undergraduate student I only knew about balanced panel. So I had to investigate.
I would like to use the approach described in 9.4 and 9.4.1 of Baltagi 2005(Baltagi 2005 Econometric Analysis of Panel data,third edition,Wiley), which is to say the ubalanced two way error component model.
Which is the stata command that allows me to do so? And do you think is a correct approach?
Thank you.
I am trying to understand which are the determinants of life expectancy in OECD countries. I have 35 countries and 10 years. The dependent variable are healthcare expenditure, gini coefficient and lifestyle variables such as tobacco consumption. I would like to use panel data with fixed effect both for countries and time. The problem is that my panel is unbalanced. Since I am an undergraduate student I only knew about balanced panel. So I had to investigate.
I would like to use the approach described in 9.4 and 9.4.1 of Baltagi 2005(Baltagi 2005 Econometric Analysis of Panel data,third edition,Wiley), which is to say the ubalanced two way error component model.
Which is the stata command that allows me to do so? And do you think is a correct approach?
Thank you.