Thanks for the reply. Below a code and at the end i commented one (two) issue.
clear *input dataset input int year quarter str34 origin long(totalpersonspendingstartyear appliedduringyear rejected) 2003 1 "China" 0 4 0 2003 2 "China" 4 0 0 2003 3 "China" 4 2 0 2003 4 "China" 2 0 0 2003 1 "Japan" 1 1 1 2003 2 "Japan" 1 1 1 2003 3 "Japan" 1 1 1 2003 4 "Japan" 1 1 1 2004 1 "Japan" 3 1 1 2004 2 "Japan" 1 6 1 2003 3 "Korea" 1 1 1 2003 4 "Korea" 1 1 1 2004 1 "Korea" 1 1 1 2004 2 "Korea" 1 1 1 2005 3 "Taiwan" 1 1 1 2005 4 "Taiwan" 1 1 1 2006 1 "Taiwan" 1 1 1 2006 2 "Taiwan" 1 1 1 2004 2 "Laos" 1 1 1 2004 3 "Laos" 1 1 1 2004 4 "Laos" 1 1 1 2005 1 "Laos" 1 1 1 end *cleansing capture noisily drop date_yq gen date_yq = yq(year, quarter) format %tq date_yq *rename variable rename origin country *move date_yq move date_yq country //your code starts from here expand 3, gen(expandob) //adding two more versions of every observation currently in your dataset sort country expandob date_yq //sorting by origin, then whether it's an observation we've just created, then by year ds date_yq country expandob, not local toempty `r(varlist)' //storing all the variables that you want to be empty in a local foreach var of local toempty{ replace `var' = . if expandob == 1 //making these variables empty } foreach var of varlist date_yq country{ bysort country: replace date_yq = date_yq[_n-1]+1 if expandob == 1 //replacing the years so they're sequential from the most recent year for each country in your original data } drop expandob //dropping the expandob variable sort country date_yq *problems: * - each country should have as end date 2019q3, not different. + * It is fine if the starting date is different * - I should fill in also year quarter (easy to do)